  1. redirect [1]

NetHack's user interface is primarily ASCII. Graphical interfaces based on tiles are available for nearly all platforms, and some platforms have exotic interfaces such as Falcon's Eye, Vulture's Eye and glHack.

A screenshot of the ASCII interface is below. Click on some parts to find out what they mean.

                    ---------------            --------
              ######-             |            |      |
              #     |             |            |      +######
   ---------###    #.             .############|      |     #    ------.-
   |       +#    ###----------.----           #----+---##########+      |
   |     { |     #            #                   ######      #  |      |
   |       .######            #                  ###          ###|      |
   |       |   #              #                  #              #.      |
   ----.---- ###              #        #       ###               |      |
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       #     #        ----.--.---   #########  #
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       #     #        |..........####....d@.....(.|
       ##    #        |        >|  # |...F........|
     --------#        |         |### |............|
     |  ^   |#        |         |    |............|
     |^     |#        |         |    |............|
     |      .#        -----------    --------------

Wizard the Candidate            St:16 Dx:16 Co:11 In:12 Wi:14 Ch:12  Lawful
Dlvl:1  $:0  HP:14(14) Pw:5(5) AC:4  Xp:1/0 T:2