
Below is the full text to include/unixconf.h from NetHack 3.4.3. To link to a particular line, write [[unixconf.h#line123]], for example.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)unixconf.h 3.4	1999/07/02	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.
5.    #ifdef UNIX
6.    #ifndef UNIXCONF_H
7.    #define UNIXCONF_H
9.    /*
10.    * Some include files are in a different place under SYSV
11.    *	BSD		   SYSV
12.    * <sys/time.h>		<time.h>
13.    * <sgtty.h>		<termio.h>
14.    *
15.    * Some routines are called differently
16.    * index		strchr
17.    * rindex		strrchr
18.    *
19.    */
21.   /* define exactly one of the following four choices */
22.   /* #define BSD 1 */	/* define for 4.n/Free/Open/Net BSD  */
23.   			/* also for relatives like SunOS 4.x, DG/UX, and */
24.   			/* older versions of Linux */
25.   /* #define ULTRIX */	/* define for Ultrix v3.0 or higher (but not lower) */
26.   			/* Use BSD for < v3.0 */
27.   			/* "ULTRIX" not to be confused with "ultrix" */
28.   #define SYSV		/* define for System V, Solaris 2.x, newer versions */
29.   			/* of Linux */
30.   /* #define HPUX */	/* Hewlett-Packard's Unix, version 6.5 or higher */
31.   			/* use SYSV for < v6.5 */
34.   /* define any of the following that are appropriate */
35.   #define SVR4		/* use in addition to SYSV for System V Release 4 */
36.   			/* including Solaris 2+ */
37.   #define NETWORK		/* if running on a networked system */
38.   			/* e.g. Suns sharing a playground through NFS */
39.   /* #define SUNOS4 */	/* SunOS 4.x */
40.   /* #define LINUX */	/* Another Unix clone */
41.   /* #define CYGWIN32 */	/* Unix on Win32 -- use with case sensitive defines */
42.   /* #define GENIX */	/* Yet Another Unix Clone */
43.   /* #define HISX */	/* Bull Unix for XPS Machines */
44.   /* #define BOS */	/* Bull Open Software - Unix for DPX/2 Machines */
45.   /* #define UNIXPC */	/* use in addition to SYSV for AT&T 7300/3B1 */
46.   /* #define AIX_31 */	/* In AIX 3.1 (IBM RS/6000) use BSD ioctl's to gain
47.   			 * job control (note that AIX is SYSV otherwise)
48.   			 * Also define this for AIX 3.2 */
50.   #define TERMINFO	/* uses terminfo rather than termcap */
51.   			/* Should be defined for most SYSV, SVR4 (including
52.   			 * Solaris 2+), HPUX, and Linux systems.  In
53.   			 * particular, it should NOT be defined for the UNIXPC
54.   			 * unless you remove the use of the shared library in
55.   			 * the Makefile */
56.   #define TEXTCOLOR	/* Use System V r3.2 terminfo color support */
57.   			/* and/or ANSI color support on termcap systems */
58.   			/* and/or X11 color */
59.   #define POSIX_JOB_CONTROL /* use System V / Solaris 2.x / POSIX job control */
60.   			/* (e.g., VSUSP) */
61.   #define POSIX_TYPES	/* use POSIX types for system calls and termios */
62.   			/* Define for many recent OS releases, including
63.   			 * those with specific defines (since types are
64.   			 * changing toward the standard from earlier chaos).
65.   			 * For example, platforms using the GNU libraries,
66.   			 * Linux, Solaris 2.x
67.   			 */
69.   /* #define OPENWINBUG */	/* avoid a problem using OpenWindows 3.0 for
70.   				   X11 on SunOS 4.1.x, x>= 2.  Do not define
71.   				   for other X11 implementations. */
72.   /* #define PYRAMID_BUG */	/* avoid a bug on the Pyramid */
73.   /* #define BSD_43_BUG */	/* for real 4.3BSD cc's without schain botch fix */
74.   /* #define MICROPORT_BUG */	/* problems with large arrays in structs */
75.   /* #define MICROPORT_286_BUG */ /* changes needed in termcap.c to get it to
76.   				   run with Microport Sys V/AT version 2.4.
77.   				   By Jay Maynard */
78.   /* #define AIXPS_2BUG */	/* avoid a problem with little_to_big() optimization */
80.   /* #define RANDOM */		/* if neither random/srandom nor lrand48/srand48
81.   				   is available from your system */
83.   /* see sys/unix/snd86unx.shr for more information on these */
84.   /* #define UNIX386MUSIC */	/* play real music through speaker on systems
85.   				   with music driver installed */
86.   /* #define VPIX_MUSIC */	/* play real music through speaker on systems
87.   				   with built-in VPIX support */
90.   /*
91.    * The next two defines are intended mainly for the Andrew File System,
92.    * which does not allow hard links.  If NO_FILE_LINKS is defined, lock files
93.    * will be created in LOCKDIR using open() instead of in the playground using
94.    * link().
95.    *		Ralf Brown, 7/26/89 (from v2.3 hack of 10/10/88)
96.    */
98.   /* #define NO_FILE_LINKS */	/* if no hard links */
99.   /* #define LOCKDIR "/usr/games/lib/nethackdir" */	/* where to put locks */
101.  /*
102.   * If you want the static parts of your playground on a read-only file
103.   * system, define VAR_PLAYGROUND to be where the variable parts are kept.
104.   */
105.  /* #define VAR_PLAYGROUND "/var/lib/games/nethack" */
108.  /*
109.   * Define DEF_PAGER as your default pager, e.g. "/bin/cat" or "/usr/ucb/more"
110.   * If defined, it can be overridden by the environment variable PAGER.
111.   * Hack will use its internal pager if DEF_PAGER is not defined.
112.   * (This might be preferable for security reasons.)
113.   * #define DEF_PAGER	".../mydir/mypager"
114.   */
118.  /*
119.   * Define PORT_HELP to be the name of the port-specfic help file.
120.   * This file is found in HACKDIR.
121.   * Normally, you shouldn't need to change this.
122.   * There is currently no port-specific help for Unix systems.
123.   */
124.  /* #define PORT_HELP "Unixhelp" */
126.  #ifdef TTY_GRAPHICS
127.  /*
128.   * To enable the `timed_delay' option for using a timer rather than extra
129.   * screen output when pausing for display effect.  Requires that `msleep'
130.   * function be available (with time argument specified in milliseconds).
131.   * Various output devices can produce wildly varying delays when the
132.   * "extra output" method is used, but not all systems provide access to
133.   * a fine-grained timer.
134.   */
135.  /* #define TIMED_DELAY */	/* usleep() */
136.  #endif
138.  /*
139.   * If you define MAIL, then the player will be notified of new mail
140.   * when it arrives.  If you also define DEF_MAILREADER then this will
141.   * be the default mail reader, and can be overridden by the environment
142.   * variable MAILREADER; otherwise an internal pager will be used.
143.   * A stat system call is done on the mailbox every MAILCKFREQ moves.
144.   */
146.  #define MAIL			/* Deliver mail during the game */
148.  /* The Andrew Message System does mail a little differently from normal
149.   * UNIX.  Mail is deposited in the user's own directory in ~/Mailbox
150.   * (another directory).  MAILBOX is the element that will be added on to
151.   * the user's home directory path to generate the Mailbox path - just in
152.   * case other Andrew sites do it differently from CMU.
153.   *
154.   *		dan lovinger
155.   * (dec 19 1989)
156.   */
158.  /* #define AMS */		/* use Andrew message system for mail */
160.  /* NO_MAILREADER is for kerberos authenticating filesystems where it is
161.   * essentially impossible to securely exec child processes, like mail
162.   * readers, when the game is running under a special token.
163.   *
164.   *	       dan
165.   */
167.  /* #define NO_MAILREADER */	/* have mail daemon just tell player of mail */
169.  #ifdef	MAIL
170.  # if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX)
171.  #  ifdef AMS
172.  #define AMS_MAILBOX	"/Mailbox"
173.  #  else
174.  #   if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
175.  #define DEF_MAILREADER	"/usr/bin/mail"
176.  #   else
177.  #define DEF_MAILREADER	"/usr/ucb/Mail"
178.  #   endif
179.  #  endif
180.  #else
181.  # if (defined(SYSV) || defined(DGUX) || defined(HPUX)) && !defined(LINUX)
182.  #  if defined(M_XENIX)
183.  #define DEF_MAILREADER	"/usr/bin/mail"
184.  #  else
185.  #   ifdef __sgi
186.  #define DEF_MAILREADER	"/usr/sbin/Mail"
187.  #   else
188.  #define DEF_MAILREADER	"/usr/bin/mailx"
189.  #   endif
190.  #  endif
191.  # else
192.  #define DEF_MAILREADER	"/bin/mail"
193.  # endif
194.  #endif
196.  #define MAILCKFREQ	50
197.  #endif	/* MAIL */
201.  #ifdef COMPRESS
202.  /* Some implementations of compress need a 'quiet' option.
203.   * If you've got one of these versions, put -q here.
204.   * You can also include any other strange options your compress needs.
205.   * If you have a normal compress, just leave it commented out.
206.   */
207.  /* #define COMPRESS_OPTIONS "-q" */
208.  #endif
210.  #define FCMASK	0660	/* file creation mask */
213.  /*
214.   * The remainder of the file should not need to be changed.
215.   */
217.  #ifdef _AUX_SOURCE
218.  # ifdef AUX /* gcc ? */
219.  #  define _SYSV_SOURCE
220.  #  define _BSD_SOURCE
221.  #else
222.  #  define AUX
223.  # endif
224.  #endif /* _AUX_SOURCE */
226.  #if defined(LINUX) || defined(bsdi)
227.  # ifndef POSIX_TYPES
228.  #  define POSIX_TYPES
229.  # endif
230.  # ifndef POSIX_JOB_CONTROL
231.  #  define POSIX_JOB_CONTROL
232.  # endif
233.  #endif
235.  /*
236.   * BSD/ULTRIX systems are normally the only ones that can suspend processes.
237.   * Suspending NetHack processes cleanly should be easy to add to other systems
238.   * that have SIGTSTP in the Berkeley sense.  Currently the only such systems
239.   * known to work are HPUX and AIX 3.1; other systems will probably require
240.   * tweaks to unixtty.c and ioctl.c.
241.   *
242.   * POSIX defines a slightly different type of job control, which should be
243.   * equivalent for NetHack's purposes.  POSIX_JOB_CONTROL should work on
244.   * various recent SYSV versions (with possibly tweaks to unixtty.c again).
245.   */
246.  #ifndef POSIX_JOB_CONTROL
247.  # if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX) || defined(HPUX) || defined(AIX_31)
248.  #  define BSD_JOB_CONTROL
249.  # else
250.  #  if defined(SVR4)
251.  #   define POSIX_JOB_CONTROL
252.  #  endif
253.  # endif
254.  #endif
255.  #if defined(BSD_JOB_CONTROL) || defined(POSIX_JOB_CONTROL) || defined(AUX)
256.  #define SUSPEND		/* let ^Z suspend the game */
257.  #endif
260.  #if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX)
261.  #include <sys/time.h>
262.  #else
263.  #include <time.h>
264.  #endif
266.  #define HLOCK	"perm"	/* an empty file used for locking purposes */
268.  #ifndef REDO
269.  #define Getchar nhgetch
270.  #endif
271.  #define tgetch getchar
273.  #define SHELL		/* do not delete the '!' command */
275.  #include "system.h"
277.  #if defined(POSIX_TYPES) || defined(__GNUC__)
278.  #include <stdlib.h>
279.  #include <unistd.h>
280.  #endif
282.  #if defined(POSIX_TYPES) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX)
283.  #include <sys/wait.h>
284.  #endif
286.  #if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX)
287.  # if !defined(DGUX) && !defined(SUNOS4)
288.  #define memcpy(d, s, n)		bcopy(s, d, n)
289.  #define memcmp(s1, s2, n)	bcmp(s2, s1, n)
290.  # endif
291.  # ifdef SUNOS4
292.  #include <memory.h>
293.  # endif
294.  #else	/* therefore SYSV */
295.  # ifndef index	/* some systems seem to do this for you */
296.  #define index	strchr
297.  # endif
298.  # ifndef rindex
299.  #define rindex	strrchr
300.  # endif
301.  #endif
303.  /* Use the high quality random number routines. */
304.  #if defined(BSD) || defined(LINUX) || defined(ULTRIX) || defined(CYGWIN32) || defined(RANDOM) || defined(__APPLE__)
305.  #define Rand()	random()
306.  #else
307.  #define Rand()	lrand48()
308.  #endif
310.  #ifdef TIMED_DELAY
311.  # if defined(SUNOS4) || defined(LINUX) || (defined(BSD) && !defined(ULTRIX))
312.  # define msleep(k) usleep((k)*1000)
313.  # endif
314.  # ifdef ULTRIX
315.  # define msleep(k) napms(k)
316.  # endif
317.  #endif
319.  #ifdef hc	/* older versions of the MetaWare High-C compiler define this */
320.  # ifdef __HC__
321.  #  undef __HC__
322.  # endif
323.  # define __HC__ hc
324.  # undef hc
325.  #endif
327.  #if defined(GNOME_GRAPHICS)
328.  #if defined(LINUX)
329.  # include <linux/unistd.h>
330.  # if defined(__NR_getresuid) && defined(__NR_getresgid)	/* ie., >= v2.1.44 */
331.  #  define GETRES_SUPPORT
332.  # endif
333.  #else
334.  # if defined(BSD) || defined(SVR4)
335.  /*
336.   * [ALI] We assume that SVR4 means we can safely include syscall.h
337.   * (although it's really a BSDism). This is certainly true for Solaris 2.5,
338.   * Solaris 7, Solaris 8 and Compaq Tru64 5.1
339.   * Later BSD systems will have the getresid system calls.
340.   */
341.  # include <sys/syscall.h>
342.  # if (defined (SYS_getuid) || defined(SYS_getresuid)) && \
343.    (defined(SYS_getgid) || defined(SYS_getresgid))
344.  #  define GETRES_SUPPORT
345.  # endif
346.  # endif	/* BSD || SVR4 */
347.  #endif /* LINUX */
348.  #endif	/* GNOME_GRAPHICS */
350.  #endif /* UNIXCONF_H */
351.  #endif /* UNIX */