spellbook of
+   slow monster   Light green spellbook
Appearance random
Spell type Enchantment
Level 2
Turns to read 2
Power cost 10 Pw
Ink to write 10–19
Cost 200 zm
Weight 50

Allows you to learn the slow monster spell, which has the same effect as a Wand of slow monster.


This is an excerpt from Spl1-343.txt:

Zap monster[]

The monster becomes slow, or normal speed if fast. If you are engulfed by a vortex or air elemental, you are expelled. Some monsters may resist.

"You disrupt <monster>! A huge hole opens up..." (expelled) "<Monster> seems to be moving slower." (slowed, not swallowed)

Zap self[]

If you currently have the speed intrinsic, it is lost.

"You slow down" (not wearing speed boots) "Your quickness feels less natural." (wearing speed boots)
