spellbook of
+   cone of cold   Light green spellbook
Appearance random
Spell type attack
Level 4
Turns to read 21
Power cost 20 Pw
Ink to write 20–39
Cost 400 zm
Weight 50

Cone of cold is a medium-level attack spell. It is the Valkyrie's speciality spell.


Unskilled or basic[]

Same effect as a wand of cold. You will be prompted for a cardinal direction in which to cast the spell.

Zap Case Effect
monster monster is unseen The location of the monster is revealed.
monster is cold resistant no effect
otherwise does (6 * spell damage) damage, plus damage bonus.
monster is fire resistant additional (3 * spell damage) damage
you are a knight with the MMoM the above damage is doubled.
monster is carrying potions they may freeze and shatter
self you are not cold resistant does 12 to 72 damage
you are carrying potions they may freeze and shatter
location water it freezes
lava it solidifies
closed door it is destroyed, and the ray is halted

Skilled or expert[]

You may choose a location at which to cast explosions of cold. This location may be no more than 10 squares away, and must be in sight and open space. This spell cannot be used underwater or on the Plane of Water; if used while swallowed, it is automatically cast on your own location.

2 to 9 explosions follow; the first is centred at the location you chose, subsequent ones randomly at any of the nine squares around that point (unless swallowed). Each explosion affects the surrounding squares, as when unskilled/basic.

Any explosions that would be centred on yourself do not take place, but instead do damage as 'zap self' above.


Message Reason
"The cone of cold hits the <monster>." You cast the spell at unskilled/basic
"The cone of cold rips into the <monster>." You cast the spell at unskilled/basic, while swallowed
"You imitate a popsicle!" You cast the spell at yourself, while not cold resistant
"You feel a little chill." You cast the spell at yourself, while cold resistant
"The water freezes." You cast the spell at water
"The moat is bridged with ice!" You cast the spell at a moat
"You hear a crackling sound." You cast the spell at water out of sight
"The water freezes for a moment." You cast the spell at water on the Plane of Water
"You hear a soft crackling." You cast the spell at water out of sight on the Plane of Water
"The lava cools and solidifies." You cast the spell at lava
"The door freezes and shatters!" You cast the spell at a door
"You feel cold." You cast the spell at a door out of sight
"Your mind fails to lock onto that location!" You tried to cast the spell at a location out of sight
"The spell dissipates over the distance!" You tried to cast the spell over too great a distance
"You're joking! In this weather?" You tried to cast the spell underwater
"You had better wait for the sun to come out." You tried to cast the spell at skilled/expert, on the Plane of Water
"<Monster> is caught in the ball of cold!" You cast the spell at skilled/expert
"You are caught in the ball of cold!" You cast the spell at skilled/expert, at yourself


As detailed above, enhancing to expert skill gives no benefits over skilled for this spell.

The best possible casting scenario for this spell is if you are a level 30 knight with the Magic Mirror of Merlin, 18 intelligence, and are casting at a fire-resistant monster: you can cast up to 9 cold explosions, each of which could hit the monster's square for (6*17 + 3*17)*2 damage, for a total of 2754 damage. The total damage done across the whole casting area is up to 24,786. This makes this spell potentially the most devastating attack in the game, although under normal circumstances magic missile is likely to be better.

A level 30 valkyrie with a robe can cast this spell at 2% fail thanks to valkyries' speciality spell bonus. The fail rate is 33% if the valkyrie also wears gauntlets of power (more likely).

See also[]

This page is based on a spoiler by Dylan O'Donnell. The original license is:

Redistribution, copying, and editing of these spoilers, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. The original contributors to any spoiler must continue to be credited.
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