
Below is the full text to src/restore.c from NetHack 3.4.3. To link to a particular line, write [[restore.c#line123]], for example.

Top of file[]

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)restore.c	3.4	2003/09/06	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #include "lev.h"
7.    #include "tcap.h" /* for TERMLIB and ASCIIGRAPH */
9.    #if defined(MICRO)
10.   extern int dotcnt;	/* shared with save */
11.   extern int dotrow;	/* shared with save */
12.   #endif
14.   #ifdef USE_TILES
15.   extern void FDECL(substitute_tiles, (d_level *));       /* from tile.c */
16.   #endif
18.   #ifdef ZEROCOMP
19.   static int NDECL(mgetc);
20.   #endif
21.   STATIC_DCL void NDECL(find_lev_obj);
22.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(restlevchn, (int));
23.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(restdamage, (int,BOOLEAN_P));
24.   STATIC_DCL struct obj *FDECL(restobjchn, (int,BOOLEAN_P,BOOLEAN_P));
25.   STATIC_DCL struct monst *FDECL(restmonchn, (int,BOOLEAN_P));
26.   STATIC_DCL struct fruit *FDECL(loadfruitchn, (int));
27.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(freefruitchn, (struct fruit *));
28.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(ghostfruit, (struct obj *));
29.   STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(restgamestate, (int, unsigned int *, unsigned int *));
30.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(restlevelstate, (unsigned int, unsigned int));
31.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(restlevelfile, (int,XCHAR_P));
32.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(reset_oattached_mids, (BOOLEAN_P));
34.   /*
35.    * Save a mapping of IDs from ghost levels to the current level.  This
36.    * map is used by the timer routines when restoring ghost levels.
37.    */
38.   #define N_PER_BUCKET 64
39.   struct bucket {
40.       struct bucket *next;
41.       struct {
42.   	unsigned gid;	/* ghost ID */
43.   	unsigned nid;	/* new ID */
44.       } map[N_PER_BUCKET];
45.   };
47.   STATIC_DCL void NDECL(clear_id_mapping);
48.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(add_id_mapping, (unsigned, unsigned));
50.   static int n_ids_mapped = 0;
51.   static struct bucket *id_map = 0;
54.   #ifdef AMII_GRAPHICS
55.   void FDECL( amii_setpens, (int) );	/* use colors from save file */
56.   extern int amii_numcolors;
57.   #endif
59.   #include "quest.h"
61.   boolean restoring = FALSE;
62.   static NEARDATA struct fruit *oldfruit;
63.   static NEARDATA long omoves;
65.   #define Is_IceBox(o) ((o)->otyp == ICE_BOX ? TRUE : FALSE)


67.   /* Recalculate level.objects[x][y], since this info was not saved. */
68.   STATIC_OVL void
69.   find_lev_obj()
70.   {
71.   	register struct obj *fobjtmp = (struct obj *)0;
72.   	register struct obj *otmp;
73.   	int x,y;
75.   	for(x=0; x<COLNO; x++) for(y=0; y<ROWNO; y++)
76.   		level.objects[x][y] = (struct obj *)0;
78.   	/*
79.   	 * Reverse the entire fobj chain, which is necessary so that we can
80.   	 * place the objects in the proper order.  Make all obj in chain
81.   	 * OBJ_FREE so place_object will work correctly.
82.   	 */
83.   	while ((otmp = fobj) != 0) {
84.   		fobj = otmp->nobj;
85.   		otmp->nobj = fobjtmp;
86.   		otmp->where = OBJ_FREE;
87.   		fobjtmp = otmp;
88.   	}
89.   	/* fobj should now be empty */
91.   	/* Set level.objects (as well as reversing the chain back again) */
92.   	while ((otmp = fobjtmp) != 0) {
93.   		fobjtmp = otmp->nobj;
94.   		place_object(otmp, otmp->ox, otmp->oy);
95.   	}
96.   }


98.   /* Things that were marked "in_use" when the game was saved (ex. via the
99.    * infamous "HUP" cheat) get used up here.
100.   */
101.  void
102.  inven_inuse(quietly)
103.  boolean quietly;
104.  {
105.  	register struct obj *otmp, *otmp2;
107.  	for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp2) {
108.  	    otmp2 = otmp->nobj;
109.  #ifndef GOLDOBJ
110.  	    if (otmp->oclass == COIN_CLASS) {
111.  		/* in_use gold is created by some menu operations */
112.  		if (!otmp->in_use) {
113.  		    impossible("inven_inuse: !in_use gold in inventory");
114.  		}
115.  		extract_nobj(otmp, &invent);
116.  		otmp->in_use = FALSE;
117.  		dealloc_obj(otmp);
118.  	    } else
119.  #endif /* GOLDOBJ */
120.  	    if (otmp->in_use) {
121.  		if (!quietly) pline("Finishing off %s...", xname(otmp));
122.  		useup(otmp);
123.  	    }
124.  	}
125.  }


127.  STATIC_OVL void
128.  restlevchn(fd)
129.  register int fd;
130.  {
131.  	int cnt;
132.  	s_level	*tmplev, *x;
134.  	sp_levchn = (s_level *) 0;
135.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &cnt, sizeof(int));
136.  	for(; cnt > 0; cnt--) {
138.  	    tmplev = (s_level *)alloc(sizeof(s_level));
139.  	    mread(fd, (genericptr_t) tmplev, sizeof(s_level));
140.  	    if(!sp_levchn) sp_levchn = tmplev;
141.  	    else {
143.  		for(x = sp_levchn; x->next; x = x->next);
144.  		x->next = tmplev;
145.  	    }
146.  	    tmplev->next = (s_level *)0;
147.  	}
148.  }


150.  STATIC_OVL void
151.  restdamage(fd, ghostly)
152.  int fd;
153.  boolean ghostly;
154.  {
155.  	int counter;
156.  	struct damage *tmp_dam;
158.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &counter, sizeof(counter));
159.  	if (!counter)
160.  	    return;
161.  	tmp_dam = (struct damage *)alloc(sizeof(struct damage));
162.  	while (--counter >= 0) {
163.  	    char damaged_shops[5], *shp = (char *)0;
165.  	    mread(fd, (genericptr_t) tmp_dam, sizeof(*tmp_dam));
166.  	    if (ghostly)
167.  		tmp_dam->when += (monstermoves - omoves);
168.  	    Strcpy(damaged_shops,
169.  		   in_rooms(tmp_dam->place.x, tmp_dam->place.y, SHOPBASE));
170.  	    if ( {
171.  		/* when restoring, there are two passes over the current
172.  		 * level.  the first time, isn't set, so neither is
173.  		 * shop_keeper().  just wait and process the damage on
174.  		 * the second pass.
175.  		 */
176.  		for (shp = damaged_shops; *shp; shp++) {
177.  		    struct monst *shkp = shop_keeper(*shp);
179.  		    if (shkp && inhishop(shkp) &&
180.  			    repair_damage(shkp, tmp_dam, TRUE))
181.  			break;
182.  		}
183.  	    }
184.  	    if (!shp || !*shp) {
185.  		tmp_dam->next = level.damagelist;
186.  		level.damagelist = tmp_dam;
187.  		tmp_dam = (struct damage *)alloc(sizeof(*tmp_dam));
188.  	    }
189.  	}
190.  	free((genericptr_t)tmp_dam);
191.  }


The restobjchn function returns a linked list of type struct obj. Each dungeon level has an object chain containing all objects on the floor, and each container has an object chain of its contents.

193.  STATIC_OVL struct obj *
194.  restobjchn(fd, ghostly, frozen)
195.  register int fd;
196.  boolean ghostly, frozen;
197.  {
198.  	register struct obj *otmp, *otmp2 = 0;
199.  	register struct obj *first = (struct obj *)0;
200.  	int xl;
202.  	while(1) {
203.  		mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &xl, sizeof(xl));
204.  		if(xl == -1) break;
205.  		otmp = newobj(xl);

xl is the first block to be read from disk for each object. If it's -1, it indicates the end of the object chain. Otherwise, it contains the length of the oextra field in struct obj. Since sizeof(xl) depends on int width on a given processor, savefiles will not necessarily be portable between systems.

206.  		if(!first) first = otmp;
207.  		else otmp2->nobj = otmp;
208.  		mread(fd, (genericptr_t) otmp,
209.  					(unsigned) xl + sizeof(struct obj));

Reads xl + sizeof(struct obj) bytes directly into the struct. mread() appears to be a wrapper around a variety of implementations of the read() system call.

210.  		if (ghostly) {
211.  		    unsigned nid = flags.ident++;
212.  		    add_id_mapping(otmp->o_id, nid);
213.  		    otmp->o_id = nid;
214.  		}
215.  		if (ghostly && otmp->otyp == SLIME_MOLD) ghostfruit(otmp);
216.  		/* Ghost levels get object age shifted from old player's clock
217.  		 * to new player's clock.  Assumption: new player arrived
218.  		 * immediately after old player died.
219.  		 */
220.  		if (ghostly && !frozen && !age_is_relative(otmp))
221.  		    otmp->age = monstermoves - omoves + otmp->age;
223.  		/* get contents of a container or statue */
224.  		if (Has_contents(otmp)) {
225.  		    struct obj *otmp3;
226.  		    otmp->cobj = restobjchn(fd, ghostly, Is_IceBox(otmp));
227.  		    /* restore container back pointers */
228.  		    for (otmp3 = otmp->cobj; otmp3; otmp3 = otmp3->nobj)
229.  			otmp3->ocontainer = otmp;
230.  		}

Recursive call for populating the contents of containers.

231.  		if (otmp->bypass) otmp->bypass = 0;
233.  		otmp2 = otmp;
234.  	}
235.  	if(first && otmp2->nobj){
236.  		impossible("Restobjchn: error reading objchn.");
237.  		otmp2->nobj = 0;
238.  	}
240.  	return(first);
241.  }


243.  STATIC_OVL struct monst *
244.  restmonchn(fd, ghostly)
245.  register int fd;
246.  boolean ghostly;
247.  {
248.  	register struct monst *mtmp, *mtmp2 = 0;
249.  	register struct monst *first = (struct monst *)0;
250.  	int xl;
251.  	struct permonst *monbegin;
252.  	boolean moved;
254.  	/* get the original base address */
255.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&monbegin, sizeof(monbegin));
256.  	moved = (monbegin != mons);
258.  	while(1) {
259.  		mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &xl, sizeof(xl));
260.  		if(xl == -1) break;
261.  		mtmp = newmonst(xl);
262.  		if(!first) first = mtmp;
263.  		else mtmp2->nmon = mtmp;
264.  		mread(fd, (genericptr_t) mtmp, (unsigned) xl + sizeof(struct monst));
265.  		if (ghostly) {
266.  			unsigned nid = flags.ident++;
267.  			add_id_mapping(mtmp->m_id, nid);
268.  			mtmp->m_id = nid;
269.  		}
270.  		if (moved && mtmp->data) {
271.  			int offset = mtmp->data - monbegin;	/*(ptrdiff_t)*/
272.  			mtmp->data = mons + offset;  /* new permonst location */
273.  		}
274.  		if (ghostly) {
275.  			int mndx = monsndx(mtmp->data);
276.  			if (propagate(mndx, TRUE, ghostly) == 0) {
277.  				/* cookie to trigger purge in getbones() */
278.  				mtmp->mhpmax = DEFUNCT_MONSTER;	
279.  			}
280.  		}
281.  		if(mtmp->minvent) {
282.  			struct obj *obj;
283.  			mtmp->minvent = restobjchn(fd, ghostly, FALSE);
284.  			/* restore monster back pointer */
285.  			for (obj = mtmp->minvent; obj; obj = obj->nobj)
286.  				obj->ocarry = mtmp;
287.  		}
288.  		if (mtmp->mw) {
289.  			struct obj *obj;
291.  			for(obj = mtmp->minvent; obj; obj = obj->nobj)
292.  				if (obj->owornmask & W_WEP) break;
293.  			if (obj) mtmp->mw = obj;
294.  			else {
295.  				MON_NOWEP(mtmp);
296.  				impossible("bad monster weapon restore");
297.  			}
298.  		}
300.  		if (mtmp->isshk) restshk(mtmp, ghostly);
301.  		if (mtmp->ispriest) restpriest(mtmp, ghostly);
303.  		mtmp2 = mtmp;
304.  	}
305.  	if(first && mtmp2->nmon){
306.  		impossible("Restmonchn: error reading monchn.");
307.  		mtmp2->nmon = 0;
308.  	}
309.  	return(first);
310.  }


312.  STATIC_OVL struct fruit *
313.  loadfruitchn(fd)
314.  int fd;
315.  {
316.  	register struct fruit *flist, *fnext;
318.  	flist = 0;
319.  	while (fnext = newfruit(),
320.  	       mread(fd, (genericptr_t)fnext, sizeof *fnext),
321.  	       fnext->fid != 0) {
322.  		fnext->nextf = flist;
323.  		flist = fnext;
324.  	}
325.  	dealloc_fruit(fnext);
326.  	return flist;
327.  }


329.  STATIC_OVL void
330.  freefruitchn(flist)
331.  register struct fruit *flist;
332.  {
333.  	register struct fruit *fnext;
335.  	while (flist) {
336.  	    fnext = flist->nextf;
337.  	    dealloc_fruit(flist);
338.  	    flist = fnext;
339.  	}
340.  }


342.  STATIC_OVL void
343.  ghostfruit(otmp)
344.  register struct obj *otmp;
345.  {
346.  	register struct fruit *oldf;
348.  	for (oldf = oldfruit; oldf; oldf = oldf->nextf)
349.  		if (oldf->fid == otmp->spe) break;
351.  	if (!oldf) impossible("no old fruit?");
352.  	else otmp->spe = fruitadd(oldf->fname);
353.  }


356.  boolean
357.  restgamestate(fd, stuckid, steedid)
358.  register int fd;
359.  unsigned int *stuckid, *steedid;	/* STEED */
360.  {
361.  	/* discover is actually flags.explore */
362.  	boolean remember_discover = discover;
363.  	struct obj *otmp;
364.  	int uid;
366.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &uid, sizeof uid);
367.  	if (uid != getuid()) {		/* strange ... */
368.  	    /* for wizard mode, issue a reminder; for others, treat it
369.  	       as an attempt to cheat and refuse to restore this file */
370.  	    pline("Saved game was not yours.");
371.  #ifdef WIZARD
372.  	    if (!wizard)
373.  #endif
374.  		return FALSE;
375.  	}
377.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &flags, sizeof(struct flag));
378.  	flags.bypasses = 0;	/* never use the saved value of bypasses */
379.  	if (remember_discover) discover = remember_discover;
381.  	role_init();	/* Reset the initial role, race, gender, and alignment */
382.  #ifdef AMII_GRAPHICS
383.  	amii_setpens(amii_numcolors);	/* use colors from save file */
384.  #endif
385.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &u, sizeof(struct you));
386.  	set_uasmon();
387.  #ifdef CLIPPING
388.  	cliparound(u.ux,;
389.  #endif
390.  	if(u.uhp <= 0 && (!Upolyd || <= 0)) {
391.  	    u.ux = = 0;	/* affects pline() [hence You()] */
392.  	    You("were not healthy enough to survive restoration.");
393.  	    /* wiz1_level.dlevel is used by mklev.c to see if lots of stuff is
394.  	     * uninitialized, so we only have to set it and not the other stuff.
395.  	     */
396.  	    wiz1_level.dlevel = 0;
397. = 0;
398. = 1;
399.  	    return(FALSE);
400.  	}
402.  	/* this stuff comes after potential aborted restore attempts */
403.  	restore_timers(fd, RANGE_GLOBAL, FALSE, 0L);
404.  	restore_light_sources(fd);
405.  	invent = restobjchn(fd, FALSE, FALSE);
406.  	migrating_objs = restobjchn(fd, FALSE, FALSE);
407.  	migrating_mons = restmonchn(fd, FALSE);
408.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) mvitals, sizeof(mvitals));
410.  	/* this comes after inventory has been loaded */
411.  	for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
412.  		if(otmp->owornmask)
413.  			setworn(otmp, otmp->owornmask);
414.  	/* reset weapon so that player will get a reminder about "bashing"
415.  	   during next fight when bare-handed or wielding an unconventional
416.  	   item; for pick-axe, we aren't able to distinguish between having
417.  	   applied or wielded it, so be conservative and assume the former */
418.  	otmp = uwep;	/* `uwep' usually init'd by setworn() in loop above */
419.  	uwep = 0;	/* clear it and have setuwep() reinit */
420.  	setuwep(otmp);	/* (don't need any null check here) */
421.  	if (!uwep || uwep->otyp == PICK_AXE || uwep->otyp == GRAPPLING_HOOK)
422.  	    unweapon = TRUE;
424.  	restore_dungeon(fd);
425.  	restlevchn(fd);
426.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &moves, sizeof moves);
427.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &monstermoves, sizeof monstermoves);
428.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &quest_status, sizeof(struct q_score));
429.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) spl_book,
430.  				sizeof(struct spell) * (MAXSPELL + 1));
431.  	restore_artifacts(fd);
432.  	restore_oracles(fd);
433.  	if (u.ustuck)
434.  		mread(fd, (genericptr_t) stuckid, sizeof (*stuckid));
435.  #ifdef STEED
436.  	if (u.usteed)
437.  		mread(fd, (genericptr_t) steedid, sizeof (*steedid));
438.  #endif
439.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) pl_character, sizeof pl_character);
441.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) pl_fruit, sizeof pl_fruit);
442.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &current_fruit, sizeof current_fruit);
443.  	freefruitchn(ffruit);	/* clean up fruit(s) made by initoptions() */
444.  	ffruit = loadfruitchn(fd);
446.  	restnames(fd);
447.  	restore_waterlevel(fd);
448.  	/* must come after all mons & objs are restored */
449.  	relink_timers(FALSE);
450.  	relink_light_sources(FALSE);
451.  	return(TRUE);
452.  }


454.  /* update game state pointers to those valid for the current level (so we
455.   * don't dereference a wild u.ustuck when saving the game state, for instance)
456.   */
457.  STATIC_OVL void
458.  restlevelstate(stuckid, steedid)
459.  unsigned int stuckid, steedid;	/* STEED */
460.  {
461.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
463.  	if (stuckid) {
464.  		for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
465.  			if (mtmp->m_id == stuckid) break;
466.  		if (!mtmp) panic("Cannot find the monster ustuck.");
467.  		u.ustuck = mtmp;
468.  	}
469.  #ifdef STEED
470.  	if (steedid) {
471.  		for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
472.  			if (mtmp->m_id == steedid) break;
473.  		if (!mtmp) panic("Cannot find the monster usteed.");
474.  		u.usteed = mtmp;
475.  		remove_monster(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
476.  	}
477.  #endif
478.  }
480.  /*ARGSUSED*/	/* fd used in MFLOPPY only */


481.  STATIC_OVL int
482.  restlevelfile(fd, ltmp)
483.  register int fd;
484.  xchar ltmp;
485.  #if defined(macintosh) && (defined(__SC__) || defined(__MRC__))
486.  # pragma unused(fd)
487.  #endif
488.  {
489.  	register int nfd;
490.  	char whynot[BUFSZ];
492.  	nfd = create_levelfile(ltmp, whynot);
493.  	if (nfd < 0) {
494.  		/* BUG: should suppress any attempt to write a panic
495.  		   save file if file creation is now failing... */
496.  		panic("restlevelfile: %s", whynot);
497.  	}
498.  #ifdef MFLOPPY
499.  	if (!savelev(nfd, ltmp, COUNT_SAVE)) {
501.  		/* The savelev can't proceed because the size required
502.  		 * is greater than the available disk space.
503.  		 */
504.  		pline("Not enough space on `%s' to restore your game.",
505.  			levels);
507.  		/* Remove levels and bones that may have been created.
508.  		 */
509.  		(void) close(nfd);
510.  # ifdef AMIGA
511.  		clearlocks();
512.  # else
513.  		eraseall(levels, alllevels);
514.  		eraseall(levels, allbones);
516.  		/* Perhaps the person would like to play without a
517.  		 * RAMdisk.
518.  		 */
519.  		if (ramdisk) {
520.  			/* PlaywoRAMdisk may not return, but if it does
521.  			 * it is certain that ramdisk will be 0.
522.  			 */
523.  			playwoRAMdisk();
524.  			/* Rewind save file and try again */
525.  			(void) lseek(fd, (off_t)0, 0);
526.  			(void) uptodate(fd, (char *)0);	/* skip version */
527.  			return dorecover(fd);	/* 0 or 1 */
528.  		} else {
529.  # endif
530.  			pline("Be seeing you...");
531.  			terminate(EXIT_SUCCESS);
532.  # ifndef AMIGA
533.  		}
534.  # endif
535.  	}
536.  #endif
537.  	bufon(nfd);
538.  	savelev(nfd, ltmp, WRITE_SAVE | FREE_SAVE);
539.  	bclose(nfd);
540.  	return(2);
541.  }


543.  int
544.  dorecover(fd)
545.  register int fd;
546.  {
547.  	unsigned int stuckid = 0, steedid = 0;	/* not a register */
548.  	xchar ltmp;
549.  	int rtmp;
550.  	struct obj *otmp;
553.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) plname, PL_NSIZ);
554.  #endif
556.  	restoring = TRUE;
557.  	getlev(fd, 0, (xchar)0, FALSE);
558.  	if (!restgamestate(fd, &stuckid, &steedid)) {
559.  		display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, TRUE);
560.  		savelev(-1, 0, FREE_SAVE);	/* discard current level */
561.  		(void) close(fd);
562.  		(void) delete_savefile();
563.  		restoring = FALSE;
564.  		return(0);
565.  	}
566.  	restlevelstate(stuckid, steedid);
567.  #ifdef INSURANCE
568.  	savestateinlock();
569.  #endif
570.  	rtmp = restlevelfile(fd, ledger_no(&;
571.  	if (rtmp < 2) return(rtmp);  /* dorecover called recursively */
573.  	/* these pointers won't be valid while we're processing the
574.  	 * other levels, but they'll be reset again by restlevelstate()
575.  	 * afterwards, and in the meantime at least u.usteed may mislead
576.  	 * place_monster() on other levels
577.  	 */
578.  	u.ustuck = (struct monst *)0;
579.  #ifdef STEED
580.  	u.usteed = (struct monst *)0;
581.  #endif
583.  #ifdef MICRO
584.  # ifdef AMII_GRAPHICS
585.  	{
586.  	extern struct window_procs amii_procs;
587.  	if(windowprocs.win_init_nhwindows== amii_procs.win_init_nhwindows){
588.  	    extern winid WIN_BASE;
589.  	    clear_nhwindow(WIN_BASE);	/* hack until there's a hook for this */
590.  	}
591.  	}
592.  # else
593.  	clear_nhwindow(WIN_MAP);
594.  # endif
595.  	clear_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE);
596.  	You("return to level %d in %s%s.",
597.  		depth(&, dungeons[].dname,
598.  		flags.debug ? " while in debug mode" :
599.  		flags.explore ? " while in explore mode" : "");
600.  	curs(WIN_MAP, 1, 1);
601.  	dotcnt = 0;
602.  	dotrow = 2;
603.  	if (strncmpi("X11",, 3))
604.      	  putstr(WIN_MAP, 0, "Restoring:");
605.  #endif
606.  	while(1) {
607.  #ifdef ZEROCOMP
608.  		if(mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &ltmp, sizeof ltmp) < 0)
609.  #else
610.  		if(read(fd, (genericptr_t) &ltmp, sizeof ltmp) != sizeof ltmp)
611.  #endif
612.  			break;
613.  		getlev(fd, 0, ltmp, FALSE);
614.  #ifdef MICRO
615.  		curs(WIN_MAP, 1+dotcnt++, dotrow);
616.  		if (dotcnt >= (COLNO - 1)) {
617.  			dotrow++;
618.  			dotcnt = 0;
619.  		}
620.  		if (strncmpi("X11",, 3)){
621.  		  putstr(WIN_MAP, 0, ".");
622.  		}
623.  		mark_synch();
624.  #endif
625.  		rtmp = restlevelfile(fd, ltmp);
626.  		if (rtmp < 2) return(rtmp);  /* dorecover called recursively */
627.  	}
629.  #ifdef BSD
630.  	(void) lseek(fd, 0L, 0);
631.  #else
632.  	(void) lseek(fd, (off_t)0, 0);
633.  #endif
634.  	(void) uptodate(fd, (char *)0);		/* skip version info */
636.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) plname, PL_NSIZ);
637.  #endif
638.  	getlev(fd, 0, (xchar)0, FALSE);
639.  	(void) close(fd);
641.  	if (!wizard && !discover)
642.  		(void) delete_savefile();
643.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
644.  	if (Is_rogue_level(& assign_rogue_graphics(TRUE);
645.  #endif
646.  #ifdef USE_TILES
647.  	substitute_tiles(&;
648.  #endif
649.  	restlevelstate(stuckid, steedid);
650.  #ifdef MFLOPPY
651.  	gameDiskPrompt();
652.  #endif
653.  	max_rank_sz(); /* to recompute mrank_sz (botl.c) */
654.  	/* take care of iron ball & chain */
655.  	for(otmp = fobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
656.  		if(otmp->owornmask)
657.  			setworn(otmp, otmp->owornmask);
659.  	/* in_use processing must be after:
660.  	 *    + The inventory has been read so that freeinv() works.
661.  	 *    + The current level has been restored so billing information
662.  	 *	is available.
663.  	 */
664.  	inven_inuse(FALSE);
666.  	load_qtlist();	/* re-load the quest text info */
667.  	reset_attribute_clock();
668.  	/* Set up the vision internals, after levl[] data is loaded */
669.  	/* but before docrt().					    */
670.  	vision_reset();
671.  	vision_full_recalc = 1;	/* recompute vision (not saved) */
673.  	run_timers();	/* expire all timers that have gone off while away */
674.  	docrt();
675.  	restoring = FALSE;
676.  	clear_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE);
677.  	program_state.something_worth_saving++;	/* useful data now exists */
679.  	/* Success! */
680.  	welcome(FALSE);
681.  	return(1);
682.  }


684.  void
685.  trickery(reason)
686.  char *reason;
687.  {
688.  	pline("Strange, this map is not as I remember it.");
689.  	pline("Somebody is trying some trickery here...");
690.  	pline("This game is void.");
691.  	killer = reason;
692.  	done(TRICKED);
693.  }


695.  void
696.  getlev(fd, pid, lev, ghostly)
697.  int fd, pid;
698.  xchar lev;
699.  boolean ghostly;
700.  {
701.  	register struct trap *trap;
702.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
703.  	branch *br;
704.  	int hpid;
705.  	xchar dlvl;
706.  	int x, y;
707.  #ifdef TOS
708.  	short tlev;
709.  #endif
711.  	if (ghostly)
712.  	    clear_id_mapping();
714.  #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2)
715.  	setmode(fd, O_BINARY);
716.  #endif
717.  	/* Load the old fruit info.  We have to do it first, so the
718.  	 * information is available when restoring the objects.
719.  	 */
720.  	if (ghostly) oldfruit = loadfruitchn(fd);
722.  	/* First some sanity checks */
723.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &hpid, sizeof(hpid));
724.  /* CHECK:  This may prevent restoration */
725.  #ifdef TOS
726.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &tlev, sizeof(tlev));
727.  	dlvl=tlev&0x00ff;
728.  #else
729.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &dlvl, sizeof(dlvl));
730.  #endif
731.  	if ((pid && pid != hpid) || (lev && dlvl != lev)) {
732.  	    char trickbuf[BUFSZ];
734.  	    if (pid && pid != hpid)
735.  		Sprintf(trickbuf, "PID (%d) doesn't match saved PID (%d)!",
736.  			hpid, pid);
737.  	    else
738.  		Sprintf(trickbuf, "This is level %d, not %d!", dlvl, lev);
739.  #ifdef WIZARD
740.  	    if (wizard) pline(trickbuf);
741.  #endif
742.  	    trickery(trickbuf);
743.  	}
745.  #ifdef RLECOMP
746.  	{
747.  		short	i, j;
748.  		uchar	len;
749.  		struct rm r;
751.  #if defined(MAC)
752.  		/* Suppress warning about used before set */
753.  		(void) memset((genericptr_t) &r, 0, sizeof(r));
754.  #endif
755.  		i = 0; j = 0; len = 0;
756.  		while(i < ROWNO) {
757.  		    while(j < COLNO) {
758.  			if(len > 0) {
759.  			    levl[j][i] = r;
760.  			    len -= 1;
761.  			    j += 1;
762.  			} else {
763.  			    mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&len, sizeof(uchar));
764.  			    mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&r, sizeof(struct rm));
765.  			}
766.  		    }
767.  		    j = 0;
768.  		    i += 1;
769.  		}
770.  	}
771.  #else
772.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t) levl, sizeof(levl));
773.  #endif	/* RLECOMP */
775.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&omoves, sizeof(omoves));
776.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&upstair, sizeof(stairway));
777.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&dnstair, sizeof(stairway));
778.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&upladder, sizeof(stairway));
779.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&dnladder, sizeof(stairway));
780.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&sstairs, sizeof(stairway));
781.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&updest, sizeof(dest_area));
782.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&dndest, sizeof(dest_area));
783.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)&level.flags, sizeof(level.flags));
784.  	mread(fd, (genericptr_t)doors, sizeof(doors));
785.  	rest_rooms(fd);		/* No joke :-) */
786.  	if (nroom)
787.  	    doorindex = rooms[nroom - 1].fdoor + rooms[nroom - 1].doorct;
788.  	else
789.  	    doorindex = 0;
791.  	restore_timers(fd, RANGE_LEVEL, ghostly, monstermoves - omoves);
792.  	restore_light_sources(fd);
793.  	fmon = restmonchn(fd, ghostly);
795.  	/* regenerate animals while on another level */
796.  	if ( {
797.  	    register struct monst *mtmp2;
799.  	    for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp2) {
800.  		mtmp2 = mtmp->nmon;
801.  		if (ghostly) {
802.  			/* reset peaceful/malign relative to new character */
803.  			if(!mtmp->isshk)
804.  				/* shopkeepers will reset based on name */
805.  				mtmp->mpeaceful = peace_minded(mtmp->data);
806.  			set_malign(mtmp);
807.  		} else if (monstermoves > omoves)
808.  			mon_catchup_elapsed_time(mtmp, monstermoves - omoves);
810.  		/* update shape-changers in case protection against
811.  		   them is different now than when the level was saved */
812.  		restore_cham(mtmp);
813.  	    }
814.  	}
816.  	rest_worm(fd);	/* restore worm information */
817.  	ftrap = 0;
818.  	while (trap = newtrap(),
819.  	       mread(fd, (genericptr_t)trap, sizeof(struct trap)),
820.  	       trap->tx != 0) {	/* need "!= 0" to work around DICE 3.0 bug */
821.  		trap->ntrap = ftrap;
822.  		ftrap = trap;
823.  	}
824.  	dealloc_trap(trap);
825.  	fobj = restobjchn(fd, ghostly, FALSE);
826.  	find_lev_obj();
827.  	/* restobjchn()'s `frozen' argument probably ought to be a callback
828.  	   routine so that we can check for objects being buried under ice */
829.  	level.buriedobjlist = restobjchn(fd, ghostly, FALSE);
830.  	billobjs = restobjchn(fd, ghostly, FALSE);
831.  	rest_engravings(fd);
833.  	/* reset level.monsters for new level */
834.  	for (x = 0; x < COLNO; x++)
835.  	    for (y = 0; y < ROWNO; y++)
836.  		level.monsters[x][y] = (struct monst *) 0;
837.  	for (mtmp = level.monlist; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
838.  	    if (mtmp->isshk)
839.  		set_residency(mtmp, FALSE);
840.  	    place_monster(mtmp, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
841.  	    if (mtmp->wormno) place_wsegs(mtmp);
842.  	}
843.  	restdamage(fd, ghostly);
845.  	rest_regions(fd, ghostly);
846.  	if (ghostly) {
847.  	    /* Now get rid of all the temp fruits... */
848.  	    freefruitchn(oldfruit),  oldfruit = 0;
850.  	    if (lev > ledger_no(&medusa_level) &&
851.  			lev < ledger_no(&stronghold_level) && xdnstair == 0) {
852.  		coord cc;
854.  		mazexy(&cc);
855.  		xdnstair = cc.x;
856.  		ydnstair = cc.y;
857.  		levl[cc.x][cc.y].typ = STAIRS;
858.  	    }
860.  	    br = Is_branchlev(&;
861.  	    if (br && == 1) {
862.  		d_level ltmp;
864.  		if (on_level(&, &br->end1))
865.  		    assign_level(&ltmp, &br->end2);
866.  		else
867.  		    assign_level(&ltmp, &br->end1);
869.  		switch(br->type) {
870.  		case BR_STAIR:
871.  		case BR_NO_END1:
872.  		case BR_NO_END2: /* OK to assign to sstairs if it's not used */
873.  		    assign_level(&sstairs.tolev, &ltmp);
874.  		    break;		
875.  		case BR_PORTAL: /* max of 1 portal per level */
876.  		    {
877.  			register struct trap *ttmp;
878.  			for(ttmp = ftrap; ttmp; ttmp = ttmp->ntrap)
879.  			    if (ttmp->ttyp == MAGIC_PORTAL)
880.  				break;
881.  			if (!ttmp) panic("getlev: need portal but none found");
882.  			assign_level(&ttmp->dst, &ltmp);
883.  		    }
884.  		    break;
885.  		}
886.  	    } else if (!br) {
887.  		/* Remove any dangling portals. */
888.  		register struct trap *ttmp;
889.  		for (ttmp = ftrap; ttmp; ttmp = ttmp->ntrap)
890.  		    if (ttmp->ttyp == MAGIC_PORTAL) {
891.  			deltrap(ttmp);
892.  			break; /* max of 1 portal/level */
893.  		    }
894.  	    }
895.  	}
897.  	/* must come after all mons & objs are restored */
898.  	relink_timers(ghostly);
899.  	relink_light_sources(ghostly);
900.  	reset_oattached_mids(ghostly);
902.  	if (ghostly)
903.  	    clear_id_mapping();
904.  }


907.  /* Clear all structures for object and monster ID mapping. */
908.  STATIC_OVL void
909.  clear_id_mapping()
910.  {
911.      struct bucket *curr;
913.      while ((curr = id_map) != 0) {
914.  	id_map = curr->next;
915.  	free((genericptr_t) curr);
916.      }
917.      n_ids_mapped = 0;
918.  }


920.  /* Add a mapping to the ID map. */
921.  STATIC_OVL void
922.  add_id_mapping(gid, nid)
923.      unsigned gid, nid;
924.  {
925.      int idx;
927.      idx = n_ids_mapped % N_PER_BUCKET;
928.      /* idx is zero on first time through, as well as when a new bucket is */
929.      /* needed */
930.      if (idx == 0) {
931.  	struct bucket *gnu = (struct bucket *) alloc(sizeof(struct bucket));
932.  	gnu->next = id_map;
933.  	id_map = gnu;
934.      }
936.      id_map->map[idx].gid = gid;
937.      id_map->map[idx].nid = nid;
938.      n_ids_mapped++;
939.  }


941.  /*
942.   * Global routine to look up a mapping.  If found, return TRUE and fill
943.   * in the new ID value.  Otherwise, return false and return -1 in the new
944.   * ID.
945.   */
946.  boolean
947.  lookup_id_mapping(gid, nidp)
948.      unsigned gid, *nidp;
949.  {
950.      int i;
951.      struct bucket *curr;
953.      if (n_ids_mapped)
954.  	for (curr = id_map; curr; curr = curr->next) {
955.  	    /* first bucket might not be totally full */
956.  	    if (curr == id_map) {
957.  		i = n_ids_mapped % N_PER_BUCKET;
958.  		if (i == 0) i = N_PER_BUCKET;
959.  	    } else
960.  		i = N_PER_BUCKET;
962.  	    while (--i >= 0)
963.  		if (gid == curr->map[i].gid) {
964.  		    *nidp = curr->map[i].nid;
965.  		    return TRUE;
966.  		}
967.  	}
969.      return FALSE;
970.  }


972.  STATIC_OVL void
973.  reset_oattached_mids(ghostly)
974.  boolean ghostly;
975.  {
976.      struct obj *otmp;
977.      unsigned oldid, nid;
978.      for (otmp = fobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
979.  	if (ghostly && otmp->oattached == OATTACHED_MONST && otmp->oxlth) {
980.  	    struct monst *mtmp = (struct monst *)otmp->oextra;
982.  	    mtmp->m_id = 0;
983.  	    mtmp->mpeaceful = mtmp->mtame = 0;	/* pet's owner died! */
984.  	}
985.  	if (ghostly && otmp->oattached == OATTACHED_M_ID) {
986.  	    (void) memcpy((genericptr_t)&oldid, (genericptr_t)otmp->oextra,
987.  								sizeof(oldid));
988.  	    if (lookup_id_mapping(oldid, &nid))
989.  		(void) memcpy((genericptr_t)otmp->oextra, (genericptr_t)&nid,
990.  								sizeof(nid));
991.  	    else
992.  		otmp->oattached = OATTACHED_NOTHING;
993.  	}
994.      }
995.  }

998.  #ifdef ZEROCOMP
999.  #define RLESC '\0'	/* Leading character for run of RLESC's */
1001. #ifndef ZEROCOMP_BUFSIZ
1003. #endif
1004. static NEARDATA unsigned char inbuf[ZEROCOMP_BUFSIZ];
1005. static NEARDATA unsigned short inbufp = 0;
1006. static NEARDATA unsigned short inbufsz = 0;
1007. static NEARDATA short inrunlength = -1;
1008. static NEARDATA int mreadfd;


(mgetc is only used if ZEROCOMP is defined. It's called by mread.)

1010. static int
1011. mgetc()
1012. {
1013.     if (inbufp >= inbufsz) {
1014. 	inbufsz = read(mreadfd, (genericptr_t)inbuf, sizeof inbuf);
1015. 	if (!inbufsz) {
1016. 	    if (inbufp > sizeof inbuf)
1017. 		error("EOF on file #%d.\n", mreadfd);
1018. 	    inbufp = 1 + sizeof inbuf;  /* exactly one warning :-) */
1019. 	    return -1;
1020. 	}
1021. 	inbufp = 0;
1022.     }
1023.     return inbuf[inbufp++];
1024. }


(This version of minit is used only if ZEROCOMP is #defined.)

1026. void
1027. minit()
1028. {
1029.     inbufsz = 0;
1030.     inbufp = 0;
1031.     inrunlength = -1;
1032. }


(This version of mread is used only if ZEROCOMP is #defined.)

1034. int
1035. mread(fd, buf, len)
1036. int fd;
1037. genericptr_t buf;
1038. register unsigned len;
1039. {
1040.     /*register int readlen = 0;*/
1041.     if (fd < 0) error("Restore error; mread attempting to read file %d.", fd);
1042.     mreadfd = fd;
1043.     while (len--) {
1044. 	if (inrunlength > 0) {
1045. 	    inrunlength--;
1046. 	    *(*((char **)&buf))++ = '\0';
1047. 	} else {
1048. 	    register short ch = mgetc();
1049. 	    if (ch < 0) return -1; /*readlen;*/
1050. 	    if ((*(*(char **)&buf)++ = (char)ch) == RLESC) {
1051. 		inrunlength = mgetc();
1052. 	    }
1053. 	}
1054. 	/*readlen++;*/
1055.     }
1056.     return 0; /*readlen;*/
1057. }

1059. #else /* ZEROCOMP */


(This version of minit is used only if ZEROCOMP is not #defined.)

1061. void
1062. minit()
1063. {
1064.     return;
1065. }


(This version of mread is used only if ZEROCOMP is not #defined.)

1067. void
1068. mread(fd, buf, len)
1069. register int fd;
1070. register genericptr_t buf;
1071. register unsigned int len;
1072. {
1073. 	register int rlen;
1075. #if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX)
1076. 	rlen = read(fd, buf, (int) len);
1077. 	if(rlen != len){
1078. #else /* e.g. SYSV, __TURBOC__ */
1079. 	rlen = read(fd, buf, (unsigned) len);
1080. 	if((unsigned)rlen != len){
1081. #endif
1082. 		pline("Read %d instead of %u bytes.", rlen, len);
1083. 		if(restoring) {
1084. 			(void) close(fd);
1085. 			(void) delete_savefile();
1086. 			error("Error restoring old game.");
1087. 		}
1088. 		panic("Error reading level file.");
1089. 	}
1090. }

1091. #endif /* ZEROCOMP */
1093. /*restore.c*/