Orcus-town, also known as the ghost town (and The Orcus Level in the source), is a special level somewhere between the 10th and 15th levels of Gehennom (and therefore between DL 35 and DL 44). It may contain the stairs to Vlad's Tower. Orcus-town is eligible to leave bones files. The entire level is no-teleport. All walls and the floor are diggable.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |.|....|....|....|..............|....|........| | |.|....|....|....|..............|....|........| | |.|....|....|shop|--```-+-------|....`........| | |.|....|....|....|..............+....`........| | |.|....`....|....|..............|....|........| | |.--.-```-+----+--....-------...--------`-+---| | ......................|.....|.................| | |.....................|.._..|.................| | maze |.--+----````-.---....|.....|...----------+---| | |.|....|....|....|....---+---...|......|......| | |.|....`....|....|..............|......|......| | |.|---```---------....`-----....+.shop.|......| | |.|...................`....|....|......|......| | |.|---------+-```--+---....|....|---------+---| | |.|....|.......`......|grav+....|.............| | |.|....+.......|......|....|....|.>...........| | |.|....|.......|......|....|....|.............| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The empty left hand side is filled with ordinary Gehennom-like maze, and contains the upstair.
Orcus is on the downstair, accompanied by two vampires, two vampire lords, two shades, and a human zombie; in addition to the usual undead in the marked graveyard, there are three vampires, two vampire lords, three human zombies, three ettin zombies, three giant zombies, four shades, five skeletons and five random other monsters randomly placed in the town. The abandoned shops contain standard general store items, and usually a large contingent of mimics; ten random other objects are created in the town. Two magic traps, three fire traps, a spiked pit, an anti-magic trap and a sleeping gas trap are placed randomly.
The main attraction on this level is Orcus' wand of death. If you approach him by battling through his entourage, he is likely to have used up all its charges by the time you reach him. One alternative is level teleporting to the level below and climbing the stairs armed with a means of stoning him in one turn.
Orcus-town is also a darker, scarier version of Minetown, in that there are many shops with many items. If you have spare scrolls of genocide, it might be a good idea to genocide mimics before you arrive on this level so that the shops are filled with more items (although by this stage of the game, your inventory and stashes should be well stocked).
This page is based on a spoiler by Dylan O'Donnell. The original license is:
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