However impressive an achievement an ascension might be, not all ascensions are created equal. Here are some of the least equal:
- A bones-free wishless genocideless polyitemless polyselfless weaponless foodless survivor spell-less Elberethless Celibate (13 conducts) Vampire Convict by Dynahack scoreboard NDN dumplog
- A wishless genocideless polyitemless polyselfless illiterate atheist weaponless vegan by marvin: RGRN post
- A wishless genocideless polyitemless polyselfless illiterate atheist weaponless foodless game by Tenaya: RGRN post
- A pacifist extinctionist wishless genocideless survivor by Ben Hiles: RGRN post
- A zen samurai by marvin: RGRN post
- A foodless atheist survivor by marvin: RGRN post
- A foodless atheist true polyselfless (i.e. no "feel like a new (wo)man") survivor by Robert R Schneck: RGRN post
- A foodless atheist speedrun with no gaining of nutrition by futilius: RGRN post
- An 8683-turn ascension by marvin: RGRN post
- A 6480-turn ascension by Rast: RGRN post
- A 2508-turn ascension by Maud: NAO dumplog
- A 2318-turn ascension by Maud: NAO dumplog, ttyrec
- A 2185-turn ascension by nht: RGRN post, NAO dumplog, ttyrec
- A 2:48:30 ascension by Eidolos: RGRN post
- A 1:42 ascension by Adeon: ttyrec from devnull 2009
- A racial ascension set by Harold Hill: RGRN post