
Below is the full text to system.h from the source code of NetHack 3.4.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.4.0/system.h#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.
1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)system.h	3.4	2001/12/07	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #ifndef SYSTEM_H
6.    #define SYSTEM_H
8.    #if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(__GO32__)
10.   #define E extern
12.   /* some old <sys/types.h> may not define off_t and size_t; if your system is
13.    * one of these, define them by hand below
14.    */
15.   #if (defined(VMS) && !defined(__GNUC__)) || defined(MAC)
16.   #include <types.h>
17.   #else
18.   # ifndef AMIGA
19.   #include <sys/types.h>
20.   # endif
21.   #endif
23.   #if (defined(MICRO) && !defined(TOS)) || defined(ANCIENT_VAXC)
24.   # if !defined(_SIZE_T) && !defined(__size_t) /* __size_t for CSet/2 */
25.   #  define _SIZE_T
26.   #  if !((defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2)) && defined(_SIZE_T_DEFINED)) /* MSC 5.1 */
27.   #   if !(defined(__GNUC__) && defined(AMIGA))
28.   typedef unsigned int	size_t;
29.   #   endif
30.   #  endif
31.   # endif
32.   #endif	/* MICRO && !TOS */
34.   #if defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(MAC)
35.   #include <time.h>	/* time_t is not in <sys/types.h> */
36.   #endif
37.   #if defined(ULTRIX) && !(defined(ULTRIX_PROTO) || defined(NHSTDC))
38.   /* The Ultrix v3.0 <sys/types.h> seems to be very wrong. */
39.   # define time_t long
40.   #endif
42.   #if defined(ULTRIX) || defined(VMS)
43.   # define off_t long
44.   #endif
45.   #if defined(AZTEC) || defined(THINKC4) || defined(__TURBOC__)
46.   typedef long	off_t;
47.   #endif
49.   #endif /* !__cplusplus && !__GO32__ */
51.   /* You may want to change this to fit your system, as this is almost
52.    * impossible to get right automatically.
53.    * This is the type of signal handling functions.
54.    */
55.   #if !defined(OS2) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(__SC__) || defined(WIN32))
56.   # define SIG_RET_TYPE void (__cdecl *)(int)
57.   #endif
58.   #ifndef SIG_RET_TYPE
59.   # if defined(NHSTDC) || defined(POSIX_TYPES) || defined(OS2) || defined(__DECC)
60.   #  define SIG_RET_TYPE void (*)()
61.   # endif
62.   #endif
63.   #ifndef SIG_RET_TYPE
64.   # if defined(ULTRIX) || defined(SUNOS4) || defined(SVR3) || defined(SVR4)
65.   	/* SVR3 is defined automatically by some systems */
66.   #  define SIG_RET_TYPE void (*)()
67.   # endif
68.   #endif
69.   #ifndef SIG_RET_TYPE	/* BSD, SIII, SVR2 and earlier, Sun3.5 and earlier */
70.   # define SIG_RET_TYPE int (*)()
71.   #endif
73.   #if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(__GO32__)
75.   #if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX) || defined(RANDOM)
76.   # ifdef random
77.   # undef random
78.   # endif
79.   # if !defined(__SC__) && !defined(LINUX)
80.   E  long NDECL(random);
81.   # endif
82.   # if !defined(SUNOS4) || defined(RANDOM)
83.   E void FDECL(srandom, (unsigned int));
84.   # else
85.   #  if !defined(bsdi) && !defined(__FreeBSD__)
86.   E int FDECL(srandom, (unsigned int));
87.   #  endif
88.   # endif
89.   #else
90.   E long lrand48();
91.   E void srand48();
92.   #endif /* BSD || ULTRIX || RANDOM */
94.   #if !defined(BSD) || defined(ultrix)
95.   			/* real BSD wants all these to return int */
96.   # ifndef MICRO
97.   E void FDECL(exit, (int));
98.   # endif /* MICRO */
99.   /* compensate for some CSet/2 bogosities */
100.  # if defined(OS2_CSET2) && defined(OS2_CSET2_VER_2)
101.  #  define open	  _open
102.  #  define close   _close
103.  #  define read	  _read
104.  #  define write   _write
105.  #  define lseek   _lseek
106.  #  define chdir   _chdir
107.  #  define getcwd  _getcwd
108.  #  define setmode _setmode
109.  # endif /* OS2_CSET2 && OS2_CSET2_VER_2 */
110.  /* If flex thinks that we're not __STDC__ it declares free() to return
111.     int and we die.  We must use __STDC__ instead of NHSTDC because
112.     the former is naturally what flex tests for. */
113.  # if defined(__STDC__) || !defined(FLEX_SCANNER)
114.  #  ifndef OS2_CSET2
115.  #   ifndef MONITOR_HEAP
116.  E void FDECL(free, (genericptr_t));
117.  #   endif
118.  #  endif
119.  # endif
120.  #if !defined(__SASC_60) && !defined(_DCC) && !defined(__SC__)
121.  # if defined(AMIGA) && !defined(AZTEC_50) && !defined(__GNUC__)
122.  E int FDECL(perror, (const char *));
123.  # else
124.  #  if !(defined(ULTRIX_PROTO) && defined(__GNUC__))
125.  E void FDECL(perror, (const char *));
126.  #  endif
127.  # endif
128.  #endif
129.  #endif
130.  #ifndef NeXT
131.  #ifdef POSIX_TYPES
132.  E void FDECL(qsort, (genericptr_t,size_t,size_t,
133.  		     int(*)(const genericptr,const genericptr)));
134.  #else
135.  # if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX)
136.  E  int qsort();
137.  # else
138.  #  if !defined(LATTICE) && !defined(AZTEC_50)
139.  E   void FDECL(qsort, (genericptr_t,size_t,size_t,
140.  		       int(*)(const genericptr,const genericptr)));
141.  #  endif
142.  # endif
143.  #endif
144.  #endif /* NeXT */
146.  #ifndef __SASC_60
147.  #if !defined(AZTEC_50) && !defined(__GNUC__)
148.  /* may already be defined */
150.  # ifdef ULTRIX
151.  #  ifdef ULTRIX_PROTO
152.  E int FDECL(lseek, (int,off_t,int));
153.  #  else
154.  E long FDECL(lseek, (int,off_t,int));
155.  #  endif
156.    /* Ultrix 3.0 man page mistakenly says it returns an int. */
157.  E int FDECL(write, (int,char *,int));
158.  E int FDECL(link, (const char *, const char*));
159.  # else
160.  # ifndef bsdi
161.  E long FDECL(lseek, (int,long,int));
162.  # endif
163.  #  if defined(POSIX_TYPES) || defined(__TURBOC__)
164.  #   ifndef bsdi
165.  E int FDECL(write, (int, const void *,unsigned));
166.  #   endif
167.  #  else
168.  #   ifndef __MWERKS__	/* metrowerks defines write via universal headers */
169.  E int FDECL(write, (int,genericptr_t,unsigned));
170.  #   endif
171.  #  endif
172.  # endif /* ULTRIX */
174.  # ifdef OS2_CSET2	/* IBM CSet/2 */
175.  #  ifdef OS2_CSET2_VER_1
176.  E int FDECL(unlink, (char *));
177.  #  else
178.  E int FDECL(unlink, (const char *)); /* prototype is ok in ver >= 2 */
179.  #  endif
180.  # else
181.  #  ifndef __SC__
182.  E int FDECL(unlink, (const char *));
183.  #  endif
184.  # endif
186.  #endif /* AZTEC_50 && __GNUC__ */
188.  #ifdef MAC
189.  #ifndef __CONDITIONALMACROS__	/* universal headers */
190.  E int FDECL(close, (int));		/* unistd.h */
191.  E int FDECL(read, (int, char *, int));	/* unistd.h */
192.  E int FDECL(chdir, (const char *));	/* unistd.h */
193.  E char *FDECL(getcwd, (char *,int));	/* unistd.h */
194.  #endif
196.  E int FDECL(open, (const char *,int));
197.  #endif
199.  #if defined(MICRO)
200.  E int FDECL(close, (int));
201.  #ifndef __EMX__
202.  E int FDECL(read, (int,genericptr_t,unsigned int));
203.  #endif
204.  E int FDECL(open, (const char *,int,...));
205.  E int FDECL(dup2, (int, int));
206.  E int FDECL(setmode, (int,int));
207.  E int NDECL(kbhit);
208.  # if !defined(_DCC)
209.  #  if defined(__TURBOC__)
210.  E int FDECL(chdir, (const char *));
211.  #  else
212.  #   ifndef __EMX__
213.  E int FDECL(chdir, (char *));
214.  #   endif
215.  #  endif
216.  #  ifndef __EMX__
217.  E char *FDECL(getcwd, (char *,int));
218.  #  endif
219.  # endif /* !_DCC */
220.  #endif
222.  #ifdef ULTRIX
223.  E int FDECL(close, (int));
224.  E int FDECL(atoi, (const char *));
225.  E int FDECL(chdir, (const char *));
226.  # if !defined(ULTRIX_CC20) && !defined(__GNUC__)
227.  E int FDECL(chmod, (const char *,int));
228.  E mode_t FDECL(umask, (int));
229.  # endif
230.  E int FDECL(read, (int,genericptr_t,unsigned));
231.  /* these aren't quite right, but this saves including lots of system files */
232.  E int FDECL(stty, (int,genericptr_t));
233.  E int FDECL(gtty, (int,genericptr_t));
234.  E int FDECL(ioctl, (int, int, char*));
235.  E int FDECL(isatty, (int));	/* 1==yes, 0==no, -1==error */
236.  #include <sys/file.h>
237.  # if defined(ULTRIX_PROTO) || defined(__GNUC__)
238.  E int NDECL(fork);
239.  # else
240.  E long NDECL(fork);
241.  # endif
242.  #endif /* ULTRIX */
244.  #ifdef VMS
245.  # ifndef abs
246.  E int FDECL(abs, (int));
247.  # endif
248.  E int FDECL(atexit, (void (*)(void)));
249.  E int FDECL(atoi, (const char *));
250.  E int FDECL(chdir, (const char *));
251.  E int FDECL(chown, (const char *,unsigned,unsigned));
252.  # ifdef __DECC_VER
253.  E int FDECL(chmod, (const char *,mode_t));
254.  E mode_t FDECL(umask, (mode_t));
255.  # else
256.  E int FDECL(chmod, (const char *,int));
257.  E int FDECL(umask, (int));
258.  # endif
259.  /* #include <unixio.h> */
260.  E int FDECL(close, (int));
261.  E int VDECL(creat, (const char *,unsigned,...));
262.  E int FDECL(delete, (const char *));
263.  E int FDECL(fstat, ( /*_ int, stat_t * _*/ ));
264.  E int FDECL(isatty, (int));	/* 1==yes, 0==no, -1==error */
265.  E long FDECL(lseek, (int,long,int));
266.  E int VDECL(open, (const char *,int,unsigned,...));
267.  E int FDECL(read, (int,genericptr_t,unsigned));
268.  E int FDECL(rename, (const char *,const char *));
269.  E int FDECL(stat, ( /*_ const char *,stat_t * _*/ ));
270.  E int FDECL(write, (int,const genericptr,unsigned));
271.  #endif
273.  #endif	/* __SASC_60 */
275.  /* both old & new versions of Ultrix want these, but real BSD does not */
276.  #ifdef ultrix
277.  E void abort();
278.  E void bcopy();
279.  # ifdef ULTRIX
280.  E int FDECL(system, (const char *));
281.  #  ifndef _UNISTD_H_
282.  E int FDECL(execl, (const char *, ...));
283.  #  endif
284.  # endif
285.  #endif
286.  #ifdef MICRO
287.  E void NDECL(abort);
288.  E void FDECL(_exit, (int));
289.  E int FDECL(system, (const char *));
290.  #endif
291.  #if defined(HPUX) && !defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
292.  E long NDECL(fork);
293.  #endif
295.  #ifdef POSIX_TYPES
296.  /* The POSIX string.h is required to define all the mem* and str* functions */
297.  #include <string.h>
298.  #else
299.  #if defined(SYSV) || defined(VMS) || defined(MAC) || defined(SUNOS4)
300.  # if defined(NHSTDC) || (defined(VMS) && !defined(ANCIENT_VAXC))
301.  #  if !defined(_AIX32) && !(defined(SUNOS4) && defined(__STDC__))
302.  				/* Solaris unbundled cc (acc) */
303.  E int FDECL(memcmp, (const void *,const void *,size_t));
304.  E void *FDECL(memcpy, (void *, const void *, size_t));
305.  E void *FDECL(memset, (void *, int, size_t));
306.  #  endif
307.  # else
308.  #  ifndef memcmp	/* some systems seem to macro these back to b*() */
309.  E int memcmp();
310.  #  endif
311.  #  ifndef memcpy
312.  E char *memcpy();
313.  #  endif
314.  #  ifndef memset
315.  E char *memset();
316.  #  endif
317.  # endif
318.  #else
319.  # ifdef HPUX
320.  E int FDECL(memcmp, (char *,char *,int));
321.  E void *FDECL(memcpy, (char *,char *,int));
322.  E void *FDECL(memset, (char*,int,int));
323.  # endif
324.  #endif
325.  #endif /* POSIX_TYPES */
327.  #if defined(MICRO) && !defined(LATTICE)
328.  # if defined(TOS) && defined(__GNUC__)
329.  E int FDECL(memcmp, (const void *,const void *,size_t));
330.  E void *FDECL(memcpy, (void *,const void *,size_t));
331.  E void *FDECL(memset, (void *,int,size_t));
332.  # else
333.  #  if defined(AZTEC_50) || defined(NHSTDC) || defined(WIN32)
334.  E int  FDECL(memcmp, (const void *, const void *, size_t));
335.  E void *FDECL(memcpy, (void *, const void *, size_t));
336.  E void *FDECL(memset, (void *, int, size_t));
337.  #  else
338.  E int FDECL(memcmp, (char *,char *,unsigned int));
339.  E char *FDECL(memcpy, (char *,char *,unsigned int));
340.  E char *FDECL(memset, (char*,int,int));
341.  #  endif /* AZTEC_50 || NHSTDC */
342.  # endif /* TOS */
343.  #endif /* MICRO */
345.  #if defined(BSD) && defined(ultrix)	/* i.e., old versions of Ultrix */
346.  E void sleep();
347.  #endif
348.  #if defined(ULTRIX) || defined(SYSV)
349.  E unsigned sleep();
350.  #endif
351.  #if defined(HPUX)
352.  E unsigned int FDECL(sleep, (unsigned int));
353.  #endif
354.  #ifdef VMS
355.  E int FDECL(sleep, (unsigned));
356.  #endif
358.  E char *FDECL(getenv, (const char *));
359.  E char *getlogin();
360.  #if defined(HPUX) && !defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
361.  E long NDECL(getuid);
362.  E long NDECL(getgid);
363.  E long NDECL(getpid);
364.  #else
365.  # ifdef POSIX_TYPES
366.  E pid_t NDECL(getpid);
367.  E uid_t NDECL(getuid);
368.  E gid_t NDECL(getgid);
369.  #  ifdef VMS
370.  E pid_t NDECL(getppid);
371.  #  endif
372.  # else	/*!POSIX_TYPES*/
373.  #  ifndef getpid		/* Borland C defines getpid() as a macro */
374.  E int NDECL(getpid);
375.  #  endif
376.  #  ifdef VMS
377.  E int NDECL(getppid);
378.  E unsigned NDECL(getuid);
379.  E unsigned NDECL(getgid);
380.  #  endif
381.  #  if defined(ULTRIX) && !defined(_UNISTD_H_)
382.  E unsigned NDECL(getuid);
383.  E unsigned NDECL(getgid);
384.  E int FDECL(setgid, (int));
385.  E int FDECL(setuid, (int));
386.  #  endif
387.  # endif	/*?POSIX_TYPES*/
388.  #endif	/*?(HPUX && !_POSIX_SOURCE)*/
390.  /* add more architectures as needed */
391.  #if defined(HPUX)
392.  #define seteuid(x) setreuid(-1, (x));
393.  #endif
395.  /*# string(s).h #*/
396.  #if !defined(_XtIntrinsic_h) && !defined(POSIX_TYPES)
397.  /* <X11/Intrinsic.h> #includes <string[s].h>; so does defining POSIX_TYPES */
399.  #if (defined(ULTRIX) || defined(NeXT)) && defined(__GNUC__)
400.  #include <strings.h>
401.  #else
402.  E char	*FDECL(strcpy, (char *,const char *));
403.  E char	*FDECL(strncpy, (char *,const char *,size_t));
404.  E char	*FDECL(strcat, (char *,const char *));
405.  E char	*FDECL(strncat, (char *,const char *,size_t));
406.  E char	*FDECL(strpbrk, (const char *,const char *));
408.  # if defined(SYSV) || defined(MICRO) || defined(MAC) || defined(VMS) || defined(HPUX)
409.  E char	*FDECL(strchr, (const char *,int));
410.  E char	*FDECL(strrchr, (const char *,int));
411.  # else /* BSD */
412.  E char	*FDECL(index, (const char *,int));
413.  E char	*FDECL(rindex, (const char *,int));
414.  # endif
416.  E int	FDECL(strcmp, (const char *,const char *));
417.  E int	FDECL(strncmp, (const char *,const char *,size_t));
418.  # if defined(MICRO) || defined(MAC) || defined(VMS)
419.  E size_t FDECL(strlen, (const char *));
420.  # else
421.  # ifdef HPUX
422.  E unsigned int	FDECL(strlen, (char *));
423.  #  else
424.  #   if !(defined(ULTRIX_PROTO) && defined(__GNUC__))
425.  E int	FDECL(strlen, (const char *));
426.  #   endif
427.  #  endif /* HPUX */
428.  # endif /* MICRO */
429.  #endif /* ULTRIX */
431.  #endif	/* !_XtIntrinsic_h_ && !POSIX_TYPES */
433.  #if defined(ULTRIX) && defined(__GNUC__)
434.  E char	*FDECL(index, (const char *,int));
435.  E char	*FDECL(rindex, (const char *,int));
436.  #endif
438.  /* Old varieties of BSD have char *sprintf().
439.   * Newer varieties of BSD have int sprintf() but allow for the old char *.
440.   * Several varieties of SYSV and PC systems also have int sprintf().
441.   * If your system doesn't agree with this breakdown, you may want to change
442.   * this declaration, especially if your machine treats the types differently.
443.   * If your system defines sprintf, et al, in stdio.h, add to the initial
444.   * #if.
445.   */
446.  #if defined(ULTRIX) || defined(__DECC) || defined(__SASC_60) || defined(WIN32)
447.  #define SPRINTF_PROTO
448.  #endif
449.  #if (defined(SUNOS4) && defined(__STDC__)) || defined(_AIX32)
450.  #define SPRINTF_PROTO
451.  #endif
452.  #if defined(TOS) || defined(AZTEC_50) || defined(__sgi) || defined(__GNUC__)
453.  	/* problem with prototype mismatches */
454.  #define SPRINTF_PROTO
455.  #endif
456.  #if defined(__MWERKS__) || defined(__SC__)
457.  	/* Metrowerks already has a prototype for sprintf() */
458.  # define SPRINTF_PROTO
459.  #endif
461.  #ifndef SPRINTF_PROTO
462.  # if defined(POSIX_TYPES) || defined(DGUX) || defined(NeXT) || !defined(BSD)
463.  E  int FDECL(sprintf, (char *,const char *,...));
464.  # else
465.  #  define OLD_SPRINTF
466.  E  char *sprintf();
467.  # endif
468.  #endif
469.  #ifdef SPRINTF_PROTO
470.  # undef SPRINTF_PROTO
471.  #endif
473.  #ifndef __SASC_60
474.  #ifdef NEED_VARARGS
475.  # if defined(USE_STDARG) || defined(USE_VARARGS)
476.  #  if !defined(SVR4) && !defined(apollo)
477.  #   if !(defined(ULTRIX_PROTO) && defined(__GNUC__))
478.  #    if !(defined(SUNOS4) && defined(__STDC__)) /* Solaris unbundled cc (acc) */
479.  E int FDECL(vsprintf, (char *, const char *, va_list));
480.  E int FDECL(vfprintf, (FILE *, const char *, va_list));
481.  E int FDECL(vprintf, (const char *, va_list));
482.  #    endif
483.  #   endif
484.  #  endif
485.  # else
486.  #  define vprintf	printf
487.  #  define vfprintf	fprintf
488.  #  define vsprintf	sprintf
489.  # endif
490.  #endif /* NEED_VARARGS */
491.  #endif
494.  #ifdef MICRO
495.  E int FDECL(tgetent, (const char *,const char *));
496.  E void FDECL(tputs, (const char *,int,int (*)()));
497.  E int FDECL(tgetnum, (const char *));
498.  E int FDECL(tgetflag, (const char *));
499.  E char *FDECL(tgetstr, (const char *,char **));
500.  E char *FDECL(tgoto, (const char *,int,int));
501.  #else
502.  # if ! (defined(HPUX) && defined(_POSIX_SOURCE))
503.  E int FDECL(tgetent, (char *,const char *));
504.  E void FDECL(tputs, (const char *,int,int (*)()));
505.  # endif
506.  E int FDECL(tgetnum, (const char *));
507.  E int FDECL(tgetflag, (const char *));
508.  E char *FDECL(tgetstr, (const char *,char **));
509.  E char *FDECL(tgoto, (const char *,int,int));
510.  #endif
512.  #ifdef ALLOC_C
513.  E genericptr_t FDECL(malloc, (size_t));
514.  #endif
516.  /* time functions */
518.  # ifndef LATTICE
519.  #  if !(defined(ULTRIX_PROTO) && defined(__GNUC__))
520.  E struct tm *FDECL(localtime, (const time_t *));
521.  #  endif
522.  # endif
524.  # if defined(ULTRIX) || defined(SYSV) || defined(MICRO) || defined(VMS) || defined(MAC) || (defined(HPUX) && defined(_POSIX_SOURCE))
525.  E time_t FDECL(time, (time_t *));
526.  # else
527.  E long FDECL(time, (time_t *));
528.  # endif /* ULTRIX */
530.  #ifdef VMS
531.  	/* used in makedefs.c, but missing from gcc-vms's <time.h> */
532.  E char *FDECL(ctime, (const time_t *));
533.  #endif
536.  #ifdef MICRO
537.  # ifdef abs
538.  # undef abs
539.  # endif
540.  E int FDECL(abs, (int));
541.  # ifdef atoi
542.  # undef atoi
543.  # endif
544.  E int FDECL(atoi, (const char *));
545.  #endif
547.  #undef E
549.  #endif /*  !__cplusplus && !__GO32__ */
551.  #endif /* SYSTEM_H */