
NetHack 3.0.2 is the seventh public release of NetHack and the third by the DevTeam. Izchak Miller published it to the Usenet newsgroup and the moderator approved it in August 1989.


The original Usenet postings are most easily obtained from UUNet at [1]. The partXX.Z files in that directory are NetHack 3.0.0; patch* files are the patches for succeeding versions through NetHack 3.0.10.

Ali Harlow[2] has a NetHack 3.0.2 distribution at [3].

Significant changes[]

The NetHack 3.0 series is notable for its frequent releases, and NetHack 3.0.2 came out only weeks after NetHack 3.0.1. This is perhaps because NetHack 3.0.0 so vastly expanded the game that it contained many bugs.

Notable new features include:

  • Support for OS/2 is added.
  • Existing color code (still primitive by modern standards) for the MS-DOS port was extended to work with Unix if the terminal database has entries for color.
  • Causes of death are more precisely specified in the record and logfile.
  • Credit cards can no longer lock doors.
  • Wizards no longer start with certain useless items.
  • More bugs are fixed, and more workarounds are provided for broken and underpowered compilers.

The adventurer[]

The player may choose from these roles:

Role Alignment
Archeologist Lawful
Barbarian Chaotic
Cave-(wo)man Lawful
Elf Lawful
Healer Lawful
Knight Lawful
Priest(ess) Neutral
Rogue Chaotic
Samurai Lawful
Tourist Neutral
Valkyrie Chaotic
Wizard Neutral

All classes permit male and female adventurers, except the Valkyrie which must be female.

The adventurer has experience, hit points, magical energy, armor class, alignment, and the six major attributes. He may advance to experience level 30.

The initial pet is a little dog for Cavemen, a kitten for Wizards, and a random choice of the two for all others.

Dungeon features[]

The dungeon in NetHack 3.0.2 has no branches; there is one way up and one way down. The first 25 levels or so consist of rooms, and beyond that, the adventurer encounters the Castle and then mazes. The deepest dungeon level is 50.

Medusa appears as '@' on the down-stairs of the level before the Castle. She does not have a special level, and is thus a snare for the unwary adventurer.

Dungeon levels below the Castle are designated as "Hell". Entering hell without fire resistance, or losing it once there, is an instadeath. This may happen by taking off an item that confers fire resistance (ring of fire resistance or red dragon scale mail), losing one's polymorph, or by being hit by a gremlin. One may still be saved if he has some other source of fire resistance. These levels have only up-stairs, and the only way to proceed beyond the first level after the Castle is by level teleportation.

Special rooms are:

Special dungeon features are:

Traps are:

The Amulet of Yendor is found in the posession of the Wizard of Yendor in a maze level. He is in a small room in the center of the maze, surrounded by water and accompanied by a hell hound and a vampire lord.

Fake Wizard rooms contain a random demon prince instead of the Wizard and a fake Amulet. If all demon princes have appeared, a demon lord appears instead; if all demon lords have appeared, the room contains a random ordinary demon. All eight modern named demons exist, but their modern lairs do not.

A wand of wishing is guaranteed in the Castle, in its modern position; but it lies exposed on the floor instead of being protected by a chest and Elbereth.

When ascending from level 1 with the Amulet of Yendor, one is transported immediately to the Astral Plane; the Elemental Planes do not yet exist. The Astral Plane is different from the modern game, having mazes and powerful monsters instead of the denizens of the modern version.


NetHack 3.0.2 introduces no new monsters. Baalzebub assumes his modern name.

The following monsters may be encountered:

Name Symbol Notes
giant ant a
soldier ant a
fire ant a
giant beetle a
killer bee a
queen bee a
acid blob b
gelatinous cube b
quivering blob b
cockatrice c
little dog d
dog d
large dog d
jackal d
werejackal @/d called "jackalwere" in animal form
wolf d
werewolf @/d called "wolfwere" in animal form
winter wolf d
warg d
hell hound pup d
hell hound d
floating eye e
freezing sphere e
kitten f
housecat f
large cat f
jaguar f
gremlin g
hobbit h If TOLKIEN defined at compile time
bugbear h
dwarf h
dwarf lord h
dwarf king h
manes i
homunculus i
lemure i
imp i
quasit i
tengu i
kobold k
large kobold k
kobold lord k
kobold shaman k
lich l
demilich l
master lich l
small mimic m
large mimic m
giant mimic m
red naga hatchling n
black naga hatchling n
golden naga hatchling n
guardian naga hatchling n
red naga n
black naga n
golden naga n
guardian naga n
goblin o
hobgoblin o
orc o
hill orc o
Mordor orc o If TOLKIEN defined at compile time
Uruk-hai o If TOLKIEN defined at compile time
orc shaman o
orc-captain o
rock piercer p
iron piercer p
rothe q
osquip q
mumakil q If TOLKIEN defined at compile time
leocrotta q
wumpus q
titanothere q
baluchitherium q
sewer rat r
giant rat r
rabid rat r
wererat @/r Called "ratwere" in animal form
rock mole r
cave spider s
scorpion s
giant spider s
lurker above t
trapper t
white unicorn u
grey unicorn u
black unicorn u
fog cloud v
dust vortex v
energy vortex v
ice vortex v
steam vortex v
fire vortex v
baby long worm w If WORM defined at compile time
baby purple worm w
long worm w If WORM defined at compile time
purple worm w
xan x
yellow light y
zruty z
ape A
carnivorous ape A
bat B
giant bat B
vampire bat B
plains centaur C
forest centaur C
mountain centaur C
baby grey dragon D
baby red dragon D
baby white dragon D
baby blue dragon D
baby green dragon D
baby orange dragon D
baby black dragon D
baby yellow dragon D
grey dragon D
red dragon D
orange dragon D
white dragon D
black dragon D
blue dragon D
green dragon D
yellow dragon D
air elemental E
fire elemental E
earth elemental E
water elemental E
violet fungus F
brown mold F
yellow mold F
green mold F
red mold F
gnome G
gnome lord G
gnome king G
gnomish wizard G
ettin H
giant H
stone giant H
hill giant H
fire giant H
frost giant H
titan H
minotaur H
owlbear H
stalker I
blue jelly J
spotted jelly J
ochre jelly J
Keystone Kop K If KOPS defined at compile time
Kop Sergeant K If KOPS defined at compile time
Kop Lieutenant K If KOPS defined at compile time
Kop Kaptain K If KOPS defined at compile time
leprechaun L
kobold mummy M
gnome mummy M
orc mummy M
elf mummy M
human mummy M
ettin mummy M
giant mummy M
wood nymph N
water nymph N
mountain nymph N
ogre O
ogre lord O
ogre king O
gray ooze P
brown pudding P
black pudding P
quantum mechanic Q
mad scientist Q
rust monster R
garter snake S
snake S
pit viper S
cobra S
python S
water moccasin S
troll T
ice troll T
rock troll T
water troll T
Olog-hai T If TOLKIEN defined at compile time
umber hulk U
vampire V
vampire lord V
Vlad the Impaler V
barrow wight W
wraith W
Nazgul W If TOLKIEN defined at compile time
xorn X
yeti Y
kobold zombie Z
gnome zombie Z
orc zombie Z
elf zombie Z
human zombie Z
ettin zombie Z
giant zombie Z
straw golem ' If GOLEMS defined at compile time
rope golem ' If GOLEMS defined at compile time
leather golem ' If GOLEMS defined at compile time
wood golem ' If GOLEMS defined at compile time
flesh golem ' If GOLEMS defined at compile time
clay golem ' If GOLEMS defined at compile time
stone golem ' If GOLEMS defined at compile time
iron golem ' If GOLEMS defined at compile time
human @
Woodland-elf @ If TOLKIEN defined at compile time
Green-elf @ If TOLKIEN defined at compile time
Grey-elf @ If TOLKIEN defined at compile time
elf-lord @
Elvenking @
nurse @
shopkeeper @
guard @
temple priest @ If ALTARS and THEOLOGY defined at compile time
temple priestess @ If ALTARS and THEOLOGY defined at compile time
unarmored soldier @ If ARMY defined at compile time
soldier @ If ARMY defined at compile time
sergeant @ If ARMY defined at compile time
lieutenant @ If ARMY defined at compile time
captain @ If ARMY defined at compile time
Wizard of Yendor @
Medusa @ If MEDUSA defined at compile time
oracle @ If ORACLE defined at compile time
ghost (space)
water demon &
demon & If HARD not defined at compile time (not in default build)
horned devil & If HARD defined at compile time
succubus & If HARD defined at compile time
incubus & If HARD defined at compile time
erinyes & If HARD defined at compile time
marilith & If HARD defined at compile time
barbed devil & If HARD defined at compile time
vrock & If HARD defined at compile time
hezrou & If HARD defined at compile time
bone devil & If HARD defined at compile time
nalfeshnee & If HARD defined at compile time
ice devil & If HARD defined at compile time
pit fiend & If HARD defined at compile time
balrog & If HARD defined at compile time
Juiblex & If HARD defined at compile time
Yeenoghu & If HARD defined at compile time
Orcus & If HARD defined at compile time
Geryon & If HARD defined at compile time
Dispater & If HARD defined at compile time
Baalzebub & If HARD defined at compile time; formerly Baalzebul
Asmodeus & If HARD defined at compile time
Demogorgon & If HARD defined at compile time
mail daemon & If MAIL defined at compile time
djinni &
giant eel ;
electric eel ;
kraken ;
chameleon :
archeologist @
barbarian @
caveman @
cavewoman @
elf @
healer @
knight @
priest @
priestess @
rogue @
samurai @
tourist @
valkyrie @
wizard @

The attentive reader will note that no monster has the symbol j.


NetHack 3.0.2 introduces no new objects.


NetHack 3.0.2 introduces no new artifacts.

Artifacts in NetHack 3.0.2 are:

Name Object Notes
Excalibur long sword
Snickersnee katana
Cleaver axe
Orcrist two-handed sword User-nameable
Sting elven dagger User-nameable; dagger if no TOLKIEN
Frost Brand long sword
Fire Brand long sword
Stormbringer broadsword
Sunsword long sword
Dragonbane broadsword
Demonbane long sword
Werebane long sword
Giantslayer long sword
Ogresmasher lucern hammer
Thunderfist lucern hammer
Trollsbane morning star


Amulets in NetHack 3.0.2 are:


Food items in NetHack 3.0.2 are:


Weapons in NetHack 3.0.2 are:


Tools in NetHack 3.0.2 are:

Keys have shapes that fit specific locks on chests and large boxes; the skeleton key fits all locks and can also open doors.


Armor items in NetHack 3.0.2 are:


Potions in NetHack 3.0.2 are:

The method of obtaining holy or unholy water is different from modern versions. One drops a potion of water on an altar and it immediately becomes blessed, uncursed, or cursed for lawful, neutral, or chaotic altars, respectively.


Scrolls in NetHack 3.0.2 are:


Wands in NetHack 3.0.2 are:


All spellbooks are present if and only if SPELLS is defined at compile time.

Spellbooks in NetHack 3.0.2 are:


Rings in NetHack 3.0.2 are:


Stones in NetHack 3.0.2 are:

and worthless pieces of white, blue, red, yellowish brown, and green glass.

Other items[]

Other items not appearing in the above categories are:

Blinding and acid venom are also listed as objects, but they only exist while in flight, or when a wizard mode wish requests them.
