All monsters belong to a monster class, based on the default ASCII monster symbol that represents them. For some classes, the symbol is almost all that unites them; for instance, x or w. Other symbols represent monsters that share much in common, such as D or K. Additionally, some classes have individual members that are in many ways an "odd one out", such as E stalkers and e gas spores.
Current classes are as follows. Names are as provided by the NetHack what is command.
- a ant or other insect
- b blob
- c cockatrice
- d dog or other canine
- e eye or sphere
- f cat or other feline
- g gremlin or gargoyle
- h humanoid
- i imp or minor demon
- j jelly
- k kobold
- l leprechaun
- m mimic
- n nymph
- o orc
- p piercer
- q quadruped
- r rodent
- s arachnid or centipede
- t trapper or lurker above
- u unicorn or horse
- v vortex
- w worm
- x xan or other mythical/fantastic insect
- y light
- z zruty
- A angelic being
- B bat or bird
- C centaur
- D dragon
- E elemental
- F fungus or mold
- G gnome
- H giant humanoid
- J jabberwock
- K Keystone Kop
- L lich
- M mummy
- N naga
- O ogre
- P pudding or ooze
- Q quantum mechanic
- R rust monster or disenchanter
- S snake
- T troll
- U umber hulk
- V vampire
- W wraith
- X xorn
- Y apelike creature
- Z zombie
- @ human or elf
- ghost
- ' golem
- & major demon
- ; sea monster
- : lizard