For other uses, see monster (disambiguation).

This page lists all the monsters that are not present in the vanilla NetHack but are found in SLASH'EM.

Monster Symbol Level Attacks Notes
giant tick a 1 Bite 1d1 Multiplies, only appears in Gehennom
giant flea a 3 Bite 1d2, bite 1d2 Multiplies, only appears in Gehennom
snow ant a 3 Bite 2d4, bite 2d4 (cold) Never appears in Gehennom
giant louse a 5 Bite 1d4, bite 1d4 Multiplies, only appears in Gehennom
tsetse fly a 3 Sting 1d3 (sleep), sting 1d3 Only appears in Gehennom
migo drone a 7 Sting 1d3 (poison) Capable of treachery
yellow jacket a 8 Sting 1d6 (poison) Never appears in Gehennom
black wasp a 9 Sting 2d6 (poison) Never appears in Gehennom
migo warrior a 10 Sting 1d3 (poison), bite 2d4 Capable of treachery
giant wasp a 12 Sting 2d8 (poison) Never appears in Gehennom
spitting beetle a 14 Bite 4d6, spits acid Never appears in Gehennom
migo queen a 15 Sting 1d3 (drains intelligence), bite 6d8
assassin bug a 10 Bite 4d6 (poison) Never appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
killer beetle a 19 Bite 6d6 Never appears in Gehennom
jiggling blob b 10 Touch 2d8, passive acid 2d4 Never appears in Gehennom
lava blob b 10 Touch 4d4 (fire), passive fire 2d6
static blob b 12 Touch 3d8 (shock), passive shock 3d4 Never appears in Gehennom
burbling blob b 14 Touch 2d8, passive acid 5d4 Never appears in Gehennom
chicken c 2 Bite 1d3
cockatoo c 3 Bite 1d4
parrot c 7 Bite 2d6
pit bull d 11 Bite 4d4 Never appears in Gehennom
dingo puppy d 2 Bite 1d6 Never appears in Gehennom
large dingo d 6 Bite 2d4 Never appears in Gehennom
death dog d 2 Bite 1d10, bite 1d10 Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
rabid wolf d 6 Bite 2d4 (drains constitution) Never appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
wolverine d 9 Bite 4d6, claw 2d6 Never appears in Gehennom
shadow wolf d 11 Bite 4d6 (cold), bite 2d6 Capable of treachery
mist wolf d 12 Bite 4d6 (cold), bite 2d6 Never appears in Gehennom
glowing eye e 5 Gaze 3d4 (blind) Never appears in Gehennom
bloodshot eye e 6 Gaze 3d4 (stun) Never appears in Gehennom
blinking eye e 8 Gaze (teleports you) Never appears in Gehennom
werepanther f 5 Bite 1d10 (lycanthropy), claw 1d6, claw 1d6 Never randomly generated
kamadan f 4 Breath 1d6 (sleep), bite 1d3, bite 1d3, bite 1d3 Never appears in Gehennom
displacer beast f 12 Claw 4d4, claw 4d4, bite 2d10 Sometimes displaced instead of taking damage, capable of treachery
caterwaul f 6 Claw 1d4, claw 1d4, bite 1d6 Never appears in Gehennom
weretiger f 7 Bite 2d6 (lycanthropy), claw 2d5, claw 2d5 Never randomly generated
sabre-toothed cat f 9 Claw 4d4, claw 4d4, bite 2d10 Never appears in Gehennom
hellcat f 12 Claw 4d4, claw 4d4, bite 3d10 (fire) Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
statue gargoyle g 4 Claw 1d3, claw 1d3 Never appears in Gehennom
galltrit (deferred) g 3 Claw 1d6, claw 1d6, bite 1d4, claw (steals intrinsics) Swims
jermlaine (deferred) g 0 Claw 1d2 Never appears in Gehennom
dwarf thief h 2 Weapon 1d8, steals items Only appears in Minetown, capable of treachery
duergar h 4 Weapon 2d4, weapon 2d4 Only appears in Gehennom
deep one h 7 Claw 1d6, claw 1d6, bite 2d4 Swims, capable of treachery
deeper one h 15 Claw 3d4, claw 3d4, bite 4d6 Swims, capable of treachery
deepest one h 30 Claw 3d6, claw 3d6, bite 5d6 Swims, capable of treachery
dretch i 2 Claw 1d4 Capable of treachery
rutterkin i 5 Claw 1d4 (poison) Capable of treachery
nupperibo i 7 Claw 3d4 (poison) Capable of treachery
blood imp i 9 Claw 3d4 (poison), bite 3d4 Capable of treachery
clear jelly j 6 Touch 3d6 (acid) Invisible, never appears in Gehennom
yellow jelly j 8 Engulf 3d6 (acid), passive stun 2d6 Never appears in Gehennom
orange jelly j 8 Engulf 2d8 (acid), passive sleep-inducing 2d6 Never appears in Gehennom
rancid jelly j 12 Engulf 4d6 (acid), passive acid 3d6 Never appears in Gehennom
swamp kobold k 3 Weapon 1d8 Never appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
rock kobold k 5 Weapon 2d6 Never appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
kobold warrior k 7 Weapon 2d8 Never appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
Kroo the Kobold King k 13 Weapon 2d6 Unique, always generated with a wand
leprechaun wizard l 8 Claw 1d2 (steals gold), spell-casting (arcane) Never appears in Gehennom
pixie n 3 Claw 1d2 (steals items) Never appears in Gehennom
brownie n 8 Steals items, spell-casting (arcane) Never appears in Gehennom
quickling n 3 Weapon 1d2, steals items Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
Aphrodite n 10 Steals items, seduces you Unique
war orc o 6 Weapon 2d8 Only appears in Gehennom and Grund's Stronghold; also appears in the Gnomish Mines if the PC is a dwarf, capable of treachery
great orc o 9 Weapon 2d8 Only appears in Gehennom and Grund's Stronghold, capable of treachery
Grund the Orc King o 20 Weapon 4d8 Unique
snow orc o 9 Weapon 2d8 Never appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
demon orc o 12 Weapon 3d6 Only appears in Gehennom and Grund's Stronghold, capable of treachery
lamb q 1 Butt 1d2, kick 1d2
giant badger q 2 Claw 1d2, claw 1d2, bite 1d3 Never appears in Gehennom
scramper q 3 Claw 1d3, claw 1d3, bite 1d8, sting 1d6 (targets legs) Never appears in Gehennom
sheep q 3 Butt 1d4, kick 1d3
goat q 4 Butt 2d4, kick 1d4, kick 1d4
squealer q 4 Claw 1d3, claw 1d3, bite 1d8, sting 1d6 (targets legs) Never appears in Gehennom
cow q 7 Butt 1d8, kick 2d4
mangler q 8 Claw 3d3, claw 3d3, bite 3d8 Never appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
bull q 10 Butt 2d8, kick 2d4
Jumbo the Elephant q 30 Butt 6d8, butt 6d8 Unique, appears in real zoos
juggernaut q 30 Butt 8d8 Never appears in Gehennom
catoblepas q 6 Gaze 2d6 death, bite 1d3 Unique, never randomly generated
rabbit r 0 Bite 1d3 Never appears in Gehennom
black rat r 0 Bite 1d3 Only appears on the Rat King's level
rabid rabbit r 3 Bite 2d6 (drains constitution) Never appears in Gehennom
pack rat r 0 Bite 1d3, touch 1d1 (steals items) Only appears on the Rat King's level
hellrat r 5 Bite 3d3 (fire) Only appears in Gehennom
Rat King r 12 Weapon 2d4, bite 2d3 Unique, but oddly enough, is not marked as G_NOGEN in the source code
recluse spider s 3 Bite 1d4 (poison) Never appears in Gehennom
barking spider s 5 Bite 1d2, bite 1d2 Never appears in Gehennom
carrion crawler s 3 Touch 1d1 (paralyze), touch 1d1 (paralyze), touch 1d1 (paralyze), touch 1d1 (paralyze), touch 1d1 (paralyze), touch 1d1 (paralyze) Never appears in Gehennom
nickelpede s 8 Bite 3d4 (poison) Can hide under items, never appears in Gehennom
giant scorpion s 12 Claw 5d2, claw 5d2, sting 3d8 (poison) Never appears in Gehennom
Girtab s 22 Claw 5d4, claw 5d4, sting 3d8 (poison) Unique
Shelob s 26 Bite 8d4, bite 5d4 (poison) Unique
phase spider s 8 Bite 3d4 (poison)
werespider s 11 Bite 4d4 (lycanthropy) Never randomly generated
Pegasus u 12 Kick 2d10, bite 1d6 Unique, appears when you kill Medusa
larva w 1 Bite 1d2
maggot w 2 Bite 1d3
dung worm w 3 Bite 1d4
acid worm w 4 Spits acid, bite 1d4 (poison)
bloodworm w 6 Bite 2d4 (poison) Never appears in Gehennom
tunnel worm w 7 Bite 3d4 Tunnels, never appears in Gehennom
rot worm w 1 Bite 1d2 (disease) Only appears in the Wyrm Caves
spark bug x 2 Bite 1d3 (shock) Never appears in Gehennom
arc bug x 4 Bite 2d4 (shock) Never appears in Gehennom
lightning bug x 6 Bite 2d6 (shock) Never appears in Gehennom
echidna z 2 Claw 1d2, claw 1d2 Never appears in Gehennom
platypus z 4 Claw 1d4, kick 1d4 (poison) Swims, never appears in Gehennom
koala z 7 No attacks, but a tame koala can make a hostile monster peaceful.

A hostile koala can make your pets non-tame (peaceful).

Never appears in Gehennom
wombat z 5 Kick 1d6, bite 1d2 Never appears in Gehennom
Tasmanian devil z 9 Claw 3d4, claw 3d4, bite 3d6 Eats organic items
wallaby z 5 Kick 2d4, bite 1d4 Never appears in Gehennom
wallaroo z 6 Kick 2d6, bite 1d6 Never appears in Gehennom
kangaroo z 10 Kick 2d8, kick 2d8, bite 1d6 Never appears in Gehennom
movanic deva A 12 Weapon 3d4 (fire), weapon 3d4 (fire), claw 3d4, spell-casting (clerical) Never appears in Gehennom
monadic deva A 15 Weapon 3d4, weapon 6d4, spell-casting (clerical) Never appears in Gehennom
astral deva A 18 Weapon 3d12, weapon 1d4 (stun), spell-casting (clerical) Never appears in Gehennom
Planetar A 29 Weapon 4d4, weapon 4d4, gaze 3d6 (blind), claw 2d8, spell-casting (arcane) Never appears in Gehennom
Solar A 39 Weapon 5d4, weapon 5d4, gaze 5d6 (blind), claw 5d8, spell-casting (arcane) Never appears in Gehennom
rhumbat B 3 Bite 1d10 Only appears in Gehennom and in one version of Kroo's level
athol B 2 Bite 1d5 Only appears in Gehennom and in the Wizard Quest
hellbat B 7 Bite 1d12 (fire) Only appears in Gehennom.
mongbat B 7 Bite 1d12 Only appears in Gehennom and on the Necromancer quest
mobat B 9 Bite 2d8 Only appears in Gehennom
harpy B 9 Bite 1d12 Only appear in Gehennom and as a statue trap in Grund's Stronghold, capable of treachery
byakhee B 11 Bite 1d6, claw 2d4, claw 2d4, sting 1d3 (stun) Capable of treachery
nightgaunt B 15 Claw 1d6 (tickle) Capable of treachery
baby shimmering dragon D 4 Bite 2d6 Also a deferred feature in vanilla NetHack
baby deep dragon D 4 Bite 2d6
shimmering dragon D 18 Breath 4d6 (magic missiles), bite 3d8, claw 1d4, claw 1d4 Also a deferred feature in vanilla NetHack
deep dragon D 18 Breath 4d10 (poison), bite 4d8 (drains life), claw 3d4, claw 3d4 Capable of treachery
wyvern D 18 Sting 4d6 (poison), bite 3d8
hydra D 26 Bite 2d6, bite 2d6, bite 2d6, bite 2d6, bite 2d6, bite 2d6
disgusting mold F 5 Passive poison 1d8, passive acid 2d4 Only appears in Gehennom
black mold F 6 Passive poison 0d4, passive acid 1d8 Only appears in Gehennom
gnome thief G 1 Weapon 1d6, steals items Only appears in Minetown, capable of treachery
deep gnome G 5 Weapon 2d6 Only appears in the Gnomish Mines and Gehennom
gnome warrior G 5 Weapon 2d6 Only appears in the Mine King level
Ruggo the Gnome King G 16 Weapon 2d6 Unique, found in the [Mine King's] level
gnoll G 18 Weapon 3d6, weapon 3d6 Capable of treachery
gnoll warrior G 24 Weapon 3d6, weapon 3d6 Capable of treachery
gnoll chieftain G 30 Weapon 3d6, weapon 3d6 Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
gnoll shaman G 18 Spell-casting (arcane), spell-casting (clerical) Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
The Largest Giant H 26 Weapon 3d10 Unique
Father Dagon (deferred) H 100 Claw 8d10, claw 8d10, bite 6d6 Unique
Mother Hydra (deferred) H 102 Claw 8d12, claw 8d10, bite 6d8 Unique
vorpal jabberwock J 20 Bite 3d10, bite 3d10, claw 3d10, claw 3d10 Also a deferred feature in vanilla NetHack; never appears in Gehennom
troll mummy M 9 Claw 3d4, claw 3d4
ogre mage O 7 Weapon 2d6, spell-casting (arcane) Never appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
shadow ogre O 10 Weapon 3d5, touch 3d5 (drains life) Only appears in Gehennom and Grund's Stronghold, capable of treachery
moldy pudding P 8 Engulf 4d4 (decays organic items)
shoggoth P 18 Claw 4d8, touch (corrodes iron/copper items), passive corrosion, engulf 4d8 (acid) Capable of treachery
giant shoggoth P 36 Claw 5d10, claw 5d10, passive corrosion, passive corrosion, passive corrosion, engulf 8d10 (acid) Capable of treachery
genetic engineer Q 12 Claw 1d4 (polymorph) Only appears in Gehennom
Doctor Frankenstein Q 20 Weapon 4d4, claw 1d4 (teleports you) Unique
king cobra S 9 Bite 3d4 (poison), bite 3d4 (poison) Never appears in Gehennom
weresnake S 9 Bite 3d6 (lycanthropy), bite 2d6 (poison) Never randomly generated
asphynx S 8 Bite 1d6 (stone), passive stoning Never appears in Gehennom
two-headed troll T 10 Claw 1d6, claw 1d6, bite 1d10, bite 1d10 Never appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
black troll T 17 Weapon 3d6, claw 3d8, bite 3d6 Only appears in Gehennom and Grund's Stronghold, capable of treachery
water hulk U 11 Claw 3d4, claw 3d4, bite 2d5, gaze (confusion) Tunnels, swims, only appears in Gehennom
fire vampire V 12 Claw 2d4 (fire), claw 2d4 (fire), bite 2d4 (drains life), touch 2d4 (drains energy), spell-casting (fire) Capable of treachery
star vampire V 18 Tentacle 2d6, tentacle 2d6 (drains life), tentacle 2d6, tentacle 2d6 (drains life), tentacle 2d6, tentacle 2d6 (drains life) Capable of treachery
vampire mage V 20 Claw 2d8 (drains life), bite 1d8 (drains life), spell-casting (arcane) Also a deferred feature in vanilla NetHack, capable of treachery
wight W 5 Claw 1d4 (drains life), bite 2d3 (drains life), claw (drains life)
zruty Y 9 Claw 3d4, claw 3d4, bite 3d6 Moved to 'Y' due to the addition of Australian, or "Zouthern", animals
ghoul mage Z 10 Claw 1d3 (paralyze), claw 1d4, spell-casting (arcane) Capable of treachery
ghast Z 4 Claw 1d2 (paralyze), claw 1d4, bite 1d6
ghoul queen Z 14 Claw 1d3 (paralyze), claw 1d4, spell-casting (arcane), spell-casting (arcane) Never randomly generated, capable of treachery
gug Z 15 Claw 2d6, claw 2d6, bite 3d6 (paralyze) Capable of treachery
wax golem ' 3 Claw 1d2, touch 1d4 (fire) Leaves candles when killed
plastic golem ' 4 Claw 1d3, claw 1d3 Leaves credit cards when killed (cheap plastic imitations of the Amulet of Yendor in older versions)
Frankenstein's Monster ' 20 Claw 3d8, claw 3d8 Unique
ruby golem ' 24 Weapon 4d10, breath 5d6 (fire) Leaves rubies when killed
diamond golem ' 26 Weapon 5d10, breath 5d6 (magic missiles) Leaves diamonds when killed
sapphire golem ' 28 Weapon 6d10, breath 5d8 (shock) Leaves sapphires when killed
steel golem ' 30 Weapon 6d10, breath 5d8 (cold), disenchants Leaves iron chains when killed
crystal golem ' 32 Weapon 8d12, breath 6d8 (random) Leaves random gems when killed
werepanther @ 5 Weapon 2d4
weretiger @ 7 Weapon 3d4
weresnake @ 9 Weapon 3d4
werespider @ 9 Weapon 3d4
gibberling @ 6 Weapon 1d8 Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
grimlock @ 8 Weapon 1d6 Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
drow @ 6 Weapon 2d4 (sleep), weapon 2d4 Capable of treachery
mugger @ 2 Weapon 1d4 Only appear on the mall level, capable of treachery
gypsy @ 20 Claw 2d12 (steals intrinsics), spell-casting (arcane) Plays card games, buys gems, and tells fortunes
black marketeer @ 25 Weapon 4d10 Unique, wields the artifact long sword "Thiefbane"
shadow 4 Touch 1d4 (poison), touch 1d4 (cold) Never randomly generated
spined devil & 5 Weapon 1d6, claw 1d4 Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
bearded devil & 8 Weapon 1d10, weapon 1d10 Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
bar-lgura & 7 Claw 1d6, claw 1d6, bite 2d12 Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
chasme & 8 Claw 2d6, claw 2d6, bite 2d4, gaze 1d6 (sleep) Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
babau & 9 Claw 1d6, claw 1d6, gaze 1d8 (poison), bite 1d8 Only appears in Gehennom and the Temple of Moloch, capable of treachery
nabassu & 9 Claw 2d4, claw 2d4, bite 3d4 (drains life), spell-casting (arcane) Only appears in Gehennom, capable of treachery
Cthulhu & 106 Spell-casting (clerical), claw 6d8, bite 4d10, hug 6d6, tentacle 2d1 (drains intelligence), gaze (confusion) Unique, deferred feature, replaces the high priest of Moloch in the SLethe patch
giant crab ; 7 Claw 3d6, claw 3d6 Swims, never randomly generated
gila monster : 6 Bite 2d6 (poison) Never appears in Gehennom
rhaumbusun : 2 Gaze 1d2 (paralyze) Only appears in Gehennom and the Black Market
basilisk : 8 Bite 4d2 (stone), passive stoning Thick hide
komodo dragon : 9 Bite 2d6 (drains constitution), claw 1d12, claw 1d12 Thick hide, never appears in Gehennom
bad egg % 4 Bite 1d8 Never appears in Gehennom
killer tripe ration % 7 Bite 2d8 Leaves a tripe ration when killed, never appears in Gehennom
killer food ration % 9 Bite 2d10 Leaves a food ration when killed, never appears in Gehennom
pile of killer coins $ 6 Bite 2d6 Never appears in Gehennom
large pile of killer coins $ 9 Bite 3d6 Never appears in Gehennom
huge pile of killer coins $ 11 Bite 4d6 Never appears in Gehennom
Nightmare u 12 Butt 3d12, kick 3d6 Unique, Lawful Quest nemesis, leaves Nighthorn when killed
Beholder e 15 Gaze 1d4 (death), gaze 3d8, gaze 1d3 (stun), gaze 1d3 (confusion), gaze 1d4 (sleep) Unique, Neutral Quest nemesis; leaves the Eye of the Beholder when killed, also a deferred feature in vanilla NetHack
Vecna L 49 Touch 9d6 (cold), spell-casting (arcane) Unique, Chaotic Quest nemesis, leaves the Hand of Vecna when killed.
flame mage @ 10 Weapon 1d6, weapon 1d6, spell-casting (arcane) Never randomly generated
ice mage @ 10 Weapon 1d6, weapon 1d6, spell-casting (arcane) Never randomly generated
necromancer @ 10 Weapon 1d6, spell-casting (arcane) Never randomly generated
undead slayer @ 10 Weapon 1d8 Never randomly generated
yeoman @ 10 Weapon 1d6, weapon 1d6 Never randomly generated
High Flame Mage @ 20 Weapon 1d6, weapon 1d6, spell-casting (arcane) Flame Mage quest leader
High Ice Mage @ 20 Weapon 1d6, weapon 1d6, spell-casting (arcane) Ice Mage quest leader
Dark Lord @ 20 Weapon 1d6 Necromancer quest leader
Van Helsing @ 20 Weapon 2d6, weapon 2d6 Undead Slayer quest leader
Chief Yeoman Warder @ 20 Weapon 1d6, weapon 1d6 Yeoman quest leader
Water Mage @ 25 Spell-casting (arcane), spell-casting (arcane), weapon 1d6, claw 1d4 (steals the Amulet) Flame Mage quest nemesis
Earth Mage @ 25 Weapon 1d6, spell-casting (arcane), spell-casting (arcane), claw 1d4 (steals the Amulet) Ice Mage quest nemesis
Maugneshaagar & 16 Weapon 8d4, weapon 4d6, spell-casting (arcane), claw 2d6 (steals the Amulet) Necromancer quest nemesis
Count Dracula V 25 Weapon 2d6, weapon 2d6, bite 2d6 (drains life) Undead Slayer quest nemesis
Colonel Blood @ 20 Weapon 4d6, weapon 4d6 Yeoman quest nemesis
igniter @ 5 Weapon 1d6, weapon 1d6 Flame Mage quest guardian
froster @ 5 Weapon 1d6, weapon 1d6 Ice Mage quest guardian
embalmer @ 5 Weapon 1d6, spell-casting (arcane) Necromancer quest guardian
exterminator @ 8 Weapon 1d8 Undead Slayer quest guardian
Yeoman Warder @ 5 Weapon 1d6, weapon 1d6 Yeoman quest guardian

See also[]
