A magical item or magical object is an item which when polymorphed, has a tendency to become another magical item of the same type. Junk magical items can therefore be polypiled to produce other magical items.
Magical Armor[]
Only the following items of armor are considered magical:
- elven boots
- fumble boots
- jumping boots
- kicking boots
- levitation boots
- speed boots
- water walking boots
- alchemy smock
- cloak of displacement
- cloak of invisibility
- cloak of magic resistance
- cloak of protection
- elven cloak
- robe
- Each type of dragon scale mail (not dragon scales however)
Magical Tools[]
Only the following tools are considered magical:
- bag of holding
- bag of tricks
- crystal ball
- drum of earthquake
- figurine
- fire horn
- frost horn
- horn of plenty
- magic harp
- magic lamp
- magic marker
- magic flute
- magic whistle
- unicorn horn
Magical Stones[]
Only the following stones are considered magical:
Other Items[]
All potions are magical except:
- Potion of acid
- Potion of booze
- Potion of fruit juice
- Potion of oil
- Potion of sickness
- Potion of water
All scrolls, spellbooks, wands, rings, and amulets are magical except for the following:
- scroll of blank paper
- scroll of mail
- blank spellbook
- wand of nothing
- meat stick
- meat ring
- cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor
Note that no weapon, food, boulder, or statue is magical.
The listed potions, blank items, and the wand of nothing have a large chance of polymorphing into magical objects; see Polypiling for details.