A magic flute is a magical tonal instrument[1], and can be used to play the passtune. Improvising with a charged magic flute will put nearby monsters (including pets) to sleep[2] unless they resist (see below). It also exercises dexterity[3], and consumes a charge[4].
An uncharged magic flute behaves as a wooden flute[5].
The usage fee for a charged magic flute is one quarter of the full price [6].
Detailed effect[]
Sleep resistance prevents this attack from succeeding. Monsters may also prevent the attack using their innate magic resistance.
Monsters are affected for 1d10 + 10 turns[7], after which they may be roused[8].
The radius of the effect is squares. At various levels this calculates to:
Level | Radius |
1 | 2 |
5 | 5 |
14 | 8 |
30 | 12 |
A magic flute is generated with 1d5 + 4 charges[9]. It may be charged any number of times[10].
Uncursed charging adds 1d4 charges to a magic flute[11]. Blessed charging adds 2d4 charges[12]. In either case, there is a maximum of 20 charges[13].
- You start playing the flute. You produce soft music.
- You improvised on a magic flute.
The magic flute has its biggest advantage over the wand of sleep or sleep spell in that those methods are targeted in a single direction, while the magic flute is omni-directional. This comes in handy in open-spaced levels where the player may be attacked from all sides, or as a defense against monsters who immediately summon other monsters completely surrounding the player. Similar to doorway combat, one can use the sleeping monsters as protection, and funnel the remaining monsters through to fight them one-by-one.
A player with the Tourist quest artifact, The Platinum Yendorian Express Card, can make frequent use of the magic flute as it can be recharged infinitely.
Encyclopedia entry[]
With this thou canst do mighty deeds And change men's passions for thy needs: A man's despair with joy allay, Turn bachelors old to lovers gay. [ The Magic Flute, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ]
- ↑ apply.c, line 2947 a tonal instrument
- ↑ music.c, line 385 puts monsters to sleep
- ↑ music.c, line 391 exercises dexterity
- ↑ music.c, line 387 consumes a charge
- ↑ music.c, line 393 behaves as a wooden flute when uncharged
- ↑ shk.c, line 3860 usage fee is ¼ of the full price
- ↑ music.c, line 96 effect lasts 1d10+10 turns
- ↑ music.c, line 97 need rousing to wake up
- ↑ mkobj.c, line 517 created with 1d5+4 charges
- ↑ read.c, line 400 may be charged any number of times
- ↑ read.c, line 412 uncursed charging 1d4 charges
- ↑ read.c, line 407 blessed charging 2d4 charges
- ↑ read.c, line 409, read.c, line 413 max 20 charges