dungeon.def is the file that describes how the dungeon branches and what special levels are used and where. It is compiled into a binary file by dgn_comp
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# This is a comment.
DUNGEON: "name" "bonetag" (base, range)
This is used to define a new dungeon.
- "name" is the name of the dungeon
- "bonetag" is the character used in file names when a bones file is created in this dungeon, or "none", in which case no bones will be created in the dungeon.
- base and range define the dungeon depth.
You can also add an optional integer, which is the chance of this dungeon being generated.
DUNGEON: "The Dungeons of Doom" "D" (25, 5)
ENTRY: lvl
Set the entry level for this dungeon. 0 means from the top, negative number means the level from the bottom (-1 is the bottom level), greater than 0 means the level number from the top of the dungeon.
Sets a flag for the previously defined DUNGEON. You can use as many DESCRIPTION lines as you want.
flag is one of the following flags:
- town
- hellish
- mazelike
- roguelike
Sets the alignment for the previously defined DUNGEON. Only one of these per dungeon allowed.
flag is one of the following flags:
- unaligned (or its synonym noalign)
- lawful
- neutral
- chaotic
Sets the special level prototype filename. This is used when loading the lev-file from disk. See MAZE in Des-file format.
PROTOFILE: "tower"
BRANCH: "name" @ (base, range) type dir
Adds a branch to the previously defined DUNGEON.
- "name" is the name of the branch. You must later define a DUNGEON with the same name.
- base and range define the depth where the branch occurs.
- type is optional (defaults to stair), or one of the following:
- stair, a two-way stair
- no_up, no up staircase
- no_down, no down staircase
- portal, portal connection
- dir is optional (defaults to down), or is one of the following:
- up
- down
BRANCH: "Vlad's Tower" @ (9, 5) up
CHAINBRANCH: "name" "chain" + (base, range) type dir
Adds a branch to the previously defined DUNGEON. This is similar to BRANCH, except the depth depends where a LEVEL occurs in the previously defined DUNGEON.
- name is the name of the branch. You must later define a DUNGEON with the same name.
- chain is a name of a previously defined LEVEL in this DUNGEON.
- base and range define the branch depth, relative to chain.
- type and dir as in BRANCH
CHAINBRANCH: "Gehennom" "castle" + (0, 0) no_down
LEVEL: "name" "bonetag" @ (base, range) chance
Adds a special level to the previously defined DUNGEON. See also RNDLEVEL.
- name is the name of this special level, and is used for loading the special levels from disk. You must define a special des-level with the same name.
- bonetag is a single character used in a filename when this level leaves a bones, or "none", in which case no bones will be created in the level. This should be unique among all special levels in this dungeon.
- base and range define the branch depth
- chance is optional, gives the % chance of this level existing in any given game.
LEVEL: "oracle" "O" @ (5, 5)
RNDLEVEL: "name" "bonetag" @ (base, range) chance nlevels
Adds a special level to the previously defined DUNGEON, with several variants for the des-level. See also LEVEL.
- name is the name of this special level, used for loading the special levels from disk. The name format will be name-num, where num is the variant of the level to be loaded. For example, bigrm-3. See also MAZE or LEVEL in the Des-file format article.
- bonetag is a single character used in a filename when this level leaves a bones, or "none", in which case no bones will be created in the dungeon. This should be unique among all special levels in this dungeon.
- base and range define the branch depth
- chance is optional, gives the % chance of this level existing in any given game.
- nlevels is the number of different special level layout versions or variants for this particular level.
RNDLEVEL: "bigrm" "B" @ (10, 3) 40 5
Defines flags for a previously defined LEVEL or RNDLEVEL.
flag is the same as DESCRIPTION has.
Defines alignment of a previously defined LEVEL or RNDLEVEL.
flag is the same as ALIGNMENT has.
LEVALIGN: chaotic
CHAINLEVEL: "name" "bonetag" "chain" + (base, range) chance
Adds a special level to the previously defined DUNGEON. This is similar to LEVEL, except the depth depends where another LEVEL occurs in the previously defined DUNGEON.
- name is the name of this special level. used for loading the special levels from disk.
- bonetag is a single character used in a filename when this level leaves a bones, or "none", in which case no bones will be created in the level. This should be unique among all special levels in this dungeon.
- chain is a name of a previously defined LEVEL in this DUNGEON.
- base and range define the level depth, relative to chain.
- chance is optional, gives the % chance of this level existing in any given game.
CHAINLEVEL: "wizard2" "X" "wizard1" + (1, 0)
RNDCHLEVEL: "name" "bonetag" "chain" + (base, range) chance nlevels
Adds a special level to the previously defined DUNGEON, with several variants for the des-level. This is similar to CHAINLEVEL, except the depth depends where another LEVEL occurs in the previously defined DUNGEON.
- name is the name of this special level. used for loading the special levels from disk. The name format will be name-num, where num is the variant of the level to be loaded. For example, bigrm-3. See also MAZE in MAZE or LEVEL in the Des-file format article.
- bonetag is a single character used in a filename when this level leaves a bones, or "none", in which case no bones will be created in the level. This should be unique among all special levels in this dungeon.
- chain is a name of a previously defined LEVEL in this DUNGEON.
- base and range define the level depth, relative to chain.
- chance is optional, gives the % chance of this level existing in any given game.
- nlevels is the number of different special level layout version for this particular level.