% | |
Name | cream pie |
Cost | 10 zm |
Nutrition | 100 |
Turns to eat | 1 |
Weight | 10 |
Conduct | vegetarian |
Cream pies are comestibles and can be eaten or thrown. Keystone Kops will throw them at you, making you temporarily blind. If you are hit by a cream pie, you can #wipe your face or apply a towel to regain sight faster. It is possible to apply a cream pie to yourself; this in effect makes you blind.
You can also wield a cream pie if you want to avoid killing monsters. Throwing a cream pie, or hitting with a wielded one, does not break any conducts. Eating the pie breaks the vegan conduct but preserves the vegetarian conduct.
Applying or otherwise destroying a wielded cream pie can crash the game (Bug C343-218). You are safe if you immediately wield w something else or even nothing -, or if you save and restore the game.
Zapping a cream pie with a wand of striking gives the message "What a mess!" and destroys the cream pie.