
A cloak covers many other pieces of armor and is an important part of one's armor equipment. You can wear only one cloak.

The most popular cloak to carry is the cloak of magic resistance. This provides magic resistance and magic cancellation of 3. If you already possess both magic resistance and reflection, a cloak of displacement or a stealthy elven cloak may be used. Typically, an adventurer will also have access to an oilskin cloak, for working around water, and a mummy wrapping if invisible.

Any cloak will block rust traps and rust monsters from harming the armor underneath. Furthermore, destroy armor effects, whether from the scroll or the spell, will destroy a cloak before it destroys the suit. A cloak also gives players wishing to avoid consorting with foocubi an extra chance to say no. For all of these reasons, any non-cursed cloak of not less than +0 enchantment is better than none.


Name Cost Weight AC Material Effect MC Appearance
mummy wrapping 2 3 0 cloth Overrides invisibility 1
orcish cloak 40 10 0 cloth 2 coarse mantelet
dwarvish cloak 50 10 0 cloth 2 hooded cloak
leather cloak 40 15 1 leather 1
cloak of displacement 50 10 1 cloth Displacement 2 **
oilskin cloak 50 10 1 cloth Protect suit from rust; monsters can't grab 3 slippery cloak
alchemy smock 50 10 1 cloth Poison and acid resistance 1 apron
cloak of invisibility 60 10 1 cloth Invisibility 2 **
cloak of magic resistance 60 10 1 cloth Magic resistance 3 **
elven cloak 60 10 1 cloth Stealth 3 faded pall
robe 50 15 2 cloth Spellcasting bonus 3
cloak of protection 50 10 3 cloth Protection 3 **

** The appearance of these cloaks is randomized each game from the following four options: tattered cape, ornamental cope, opera cloak,and piece of cloth.

Encyclopedia entry[]

Cloaks are the universal outer garb of everyone who is not a
Barbarian. It is hard to see why. They are open in front
and require you at most times to use one hand to hold them
shut. On horseback they leave the shirt-sleeved arms and
most of the torso exposed to wind and Weather. The OMTs
[ Official Management Terms ] for Cloaks well express their
difficulties. They are constantly _swirling and dripping_
and becoming _heavy with water_ in rainy Weather, _entangling
with trees_ or _swords_, or needing to be _pulled close
around her/his shivering body_. This seems to suggest they
are less than practical for anyone on an arduous Tour.

[ The Tough Guide to Fantasyland, by Diana Wynne Jones ]