) Boomerang
Name boomerang
Appearance boomerang
Damage vs. small 1d9
Damage vs. large 1d9
To-hit bonus +0
Weapon skill boomerang
Size one-handed
Cost 20 zm
Weight 5
Material wood

A boomerang is a ranged weapon, designed for throwing.

When thrown, it will travel in a circular path clockwise from the direction thrown, hitting anything in its path: in most versions it will alternate with ( as it flies to show spinning. If it makes its way back to you there is a (dexterity in 20) chance of catching the boomerang; otherwise it hits you. A boomerang that is cursed or thrown while fumbling will always hit you. Boomerangs will not return if their path is blocked by a wall, or if they move over a sink. [1]

The exact path of the thrown boomerang is shown below in order 1-9 for each direction. Despite some redeeming features the unusual throwing mechanics make this a rarely used weapon.

Fire NW Fire N. Fire NE
..45... ..34... ...23..
.3..6.. .2..5.. ..1..4.
.2...7. .1..6.. .@...5.
..1..8. .@..7.. .9..6.. 
...@9.. ..98... ..87...
....... ....... .......
Fire W.         Fire E. 
..567..         ..@12.. 
.4...8.         .9...3. 
.3...9.         .8...4. 
..21@..         ..765..  
.......         ....... 
Fire SW Fire S. Fire SE 
...78.. ..89... ..9@... 
..6..9. .7..@.. .8..1.. 
.5...@. .6..1.. .7...2. 
.4..1.. .5..2.. ..6..3.  
..32... ..43... ...54.. 
....... ....... ....... 

Boomerang skill[]

Max Role

Boomerangs are the only weapons to use boomerang skill, and there are no artifact boomerangs.

